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University Estate and Environment Committee

 Jump down to MembershipMembership
Jump down to Terms of ReferenceTerms of Reference
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Membership 2023/24

An independent member of the Council (Chair)

Adrian Penfold

The Vice-Chancellor and President

Professor Stuart Croft

The Provost (and current Chair of the Capital, Space and Amenities Group)

Professor Emma Flynn

The Registrar

Rachel Sandby-Thomas

The Group Finance Director

Rosie Drinkwater

A Pro-Vice-Chancellor or Academic Vice-President, appointed by the
Vice-Chancellor and President

Professor Simon Swain

Three independent members appointed by the Council, with relevant expertise, of whom a minimum of one will be a serving independent member of the Council

Yewande Akinola (2026)
Diane Booth (2027)
Jane Findlay (2027)
Richard Hyde (2027)

Two members of the Academic staff, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and President

Professor Jon Coaffee (2025)
Professor Stephanie Panichelli-Batalla (2026)

The Director of Estates (and current representative of the Quality and Design Sub-Group)

James Breckon

Two Student representatives, nominated by the Students' Union

Anna Taylor (2024)
Sophie Clark (2024)

The Chair of the Capital, Space and Amenities Group co-opted where such individual is not otherwise a member of the Committee

Not applicable - see above

The Chair of the Quality and Design Sub-Group co-opted where such individual is not otherwise a member of the Committee

Not applicable - see above

A representative of the Environmental and Social Sustainability Action Group

Parvez Islam

NB: The year after a member's name indicates that their term of office expires on 31 July of that year.

In Attendance

Chief Communications and Marketing Officer
Capital Programmes Director, Estates
Chief Finance Officer, Estates
Deputy Finance Director
Development Plan Architect
Senior Assistant Registrar, Space Management & Timetabling
Development and Services Director

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Terms of Reference

    1. To keep under review the development, condition, design, utilisation, performance and sustainability of the University Estate.
    2. To ensure the University Estate is developed in line with the Masterplan Vision, Sustainability and University Strategy and to uphold the Masterplan Aims and Principles.

    To recommend to the Council:

    1. The University Masterplan and related strategies.
    2. The acquisition and disposal of freehold and long leasehold land and buildings subject to the release of appropriate funding by the Financial Plan Committee or the Finance and General Purposes Committee.
    3. Proposals for new buildings and significant capital redevelopments with a value in excess of £1m.

    To approve:

    1. Proposed designs for major capital project designs at RIBA Stage 2 and 3, ensuring alignment with the Masterplan Aims and Principles, Design Guides and supporting the University Strategy and supporting pillars, in particular sustainability.
    2. Quality, design and environmental standards and locations for major land, campus or capital developments and maintenance projects, through the approval of the RIBA Stage 3 Design on the recommendation of the relevant Project Progressing Group.
    3. The naming of significant buildings/rooms, on the recommendation of the University Executive Board and in line with the Recognition of Gifts Policy and the Policy on the Naming of University Buildings as appropriate.
    4. Space principles and norms for the University on the recommendation of the University Executive Board, ensuring alignment with University strategy and the principles and vision of the Masterplan.

    To receive:

    The University Capital Plan.

    1. Estates-related key performance indicators and benchmarks, and to monitor the performance of the University Estate against internal targets and sector norms, and in compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements.
    2. Estates related strategies as approved by the University Executive Board, including, but not limited to: Accommodation, Carbon, Energy, Environmental and Social Sustainability, Travel and Transport.
    3. Reports from the Environmental and Social Sustainability Committee and other working groups as required.

    To report:

    1. To provide regular reports to the University Council, including progress updates on all Estates related strategies.

    Reporting Structure

    The University Estate and Environment Committee (UEEC) reports to the Council and occasionally to the Finance and General Purposes Committee.


    UEEC has established the following sub-groups which report into the Committee: the Capital Space and Amenities Group (CSAG), the Environmental and Social Sustainability Action Group (ESSAG)Link opens in a new window and the Quality and Design Sub-Group (QDSG).

    Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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    Secretary: Dr Chris Twine, Secretary to Council
    (Chris dot Twine at warwick dot ac dot uk or ext: 51957)

    Assistant Secretary: Angela Gibson, Administrative Officer (Governance)

    Correspondence should be sent to UEC at warwick dot ac dot uk.

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    Dates of meetings of UEEC can be found within the University Committee Timetable.

    The Committee Timetable is published and updated online and should be referred to when verifying arrangements through the academic year.

    The timetable for submission of papers to UEEC is available here.

    Templates for papers should be requested from the email above.

    Click here to access minutes of previous meetings.

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