Payroll Information
High Income Child Benefit Charge
You may have to pay a tax charge, known as the ‘High Income Child Benefit Charge’, if you have an individual income over £60,000 (increased from over £50,000 from Apr 24) and either:
- you or your partner get Child Benefit
- someone else gets Child Benefit for a child living with you and they contribute at least an equal amount towards the child’s upkeep
Please see the government websiteLink opens in a new window for further details regarding how to work out whether you are affected and what you need to do. Please note that if you are liable for the charge you may need to file a tax return before 31st January.
General Information
There are two main payrolls run for University employees and workers on a monthly basis, the salaries payroll (SAL) and the variable payroll (VAM).
The Payroll team also provides a payroll service for Unitemps, the University's temporary worker agency (AGW) and processes the Sessional Teachers Payroll (STP).
Payments for all payrolls are made electronically via BACS, directly into the individual's bank or building society account.
The forthcoming cut-off dates for requests for payment to reach Payroll or HR Administration (as applicable) can be found hereLink opens in a new window.