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Calendar options/views - Outlook 2013

In Outlook 2013 there are a few options available for calendars.

  • Click on Calendar (lower left of screen).

Depending on your view it may appear as a button or as a small icon (see screenshots below for examples).

Calendar buttonCalendar icon in Outlook

The Calendar ribbon:

Calendar ribbon

Listed on the left will be all the calendars that you currently have shared access to.

Calendar view options

(All the screenshots below are in thumbnail view, click on those you wish to see more clearly.)

Looking at your own calendar, you will see there are a few view options to help you. In the following screenshots we have added a number of appointments to show how they appear in the different views. For any appointments scheduled for the whole day, you will see that the background is shaded accordingly to whether it is a Free/Tentative/Busy/Out of Office appointment.

Day Working Week Week
calendaroutlook13.jpg Calendar Working week view Calendar Week view
Month: Low detail Month: Medium detail Month: High detail
calendaroutlook19.jpg Calendar Month Medium detail view Calendar Month High detail view

Look at the 16th - 23rd January in the above screenshots: In low detail you will only see whole day appointments. In medium detail you will see small lines for each appointment not scheduled for the whole day. In high detail you will see the first appointment for the day and Outlook will show as many appointments as it can depending on the size of your Outlook window. If there are other appointments it cannot show, there will be a small triangle at the lower corner of the day which you can click on to see the other appointments. Please note that this will then change the calendar view to Day view.


  • Whatever the view you choose the small calendar in the top left will embolden the dates where there is an appointment scheduled.
  • Clicking on the small calendar dates at the top left of screen will help you navigate quickly to the day/week you wish to look at.

The other view available is Schedule view, this is useful when you have multiple calendars open. See viewing multiple calendars to see how it compares to other views.