How do I link to another web page in my entry?
You must be in the process of creating or editing an entry to link to another web page. You must sign in to your blog before creating or editing an entry.
- Write the text for your entry in the large text box under '
Text of entry'.
- Highlight the text you want to show up as the link and click on the 'To insert a link: "linktext": url' button:
- A window should pop up saying "Script Prompt: Enter URL:". Enter the web address (URL) of the web page you want to link to in the pop-up window and click on 'OK'. You should now see quotation marks (") either side of the text you selected, followed by a colon (:) and the web address you want to link to.
- When you have finished formatting the text of your entry, click on the 'Publish now' button:
You should now see that the quotation marks, colon and web address have disappeared from the published version, and that the text you selected appears as a link to another web page. If you click on the link, you should be taken to the web page that you wanted to link to.
Example: You may be writing a review of your favourite band's last gig and so want to put a link to their website on your entry.