How do I add a contributor?
To add a contributor to your blog, you must first be signed in with your IT Services username and password.
- Click on the Admin link to the right of the utility bar. BlogBuilder's screen for managing your blog should appear.
- Click on 'Edit your contributors'. It's in the people section and has an icon that looks like this:
- You should now be able to see the editing contributors screen. You'll need to decide on the type of contributor that you want to add: Administrator, Author or Moderator. Each of these is described below.
Type in the person's IT Services username in the text box next to 'Add' and click on the 'Add' button.
If you can't remember their username then you can click on the 'user lookup' iconand search for it. Enter their first and/or last name and click 'Search'. A list of possible users and login codes will be displayed. Click on the appropriate login code and SiteBuilder will automatically enter the login code for you.
You should see that their name has now appeared under the type of contributor that you have chosen. You can continue adding other people in the same way. - Click on the 'Back to blog manager' button
- Click on the 'Back to my blog' button
The people that you have added as contributors should now be able to sign into your blog and write entries on it.
- Authors
Authors can write, edit and delete their own entries on the owner's blog, but not edit other contributor's entries. - Moderators
Moderators can write, edit and delete their own entries on the owner's blog, but also edit and delete other entries. - Administrators
Administrators have the same privileges as the blog owner, so they can write, edit and delete their own and other entries as well as creating groups, and changing the blog's appearance - everything that a blog owner can do.
Example: You are the owner of a blog that regularly is updated with news on your latest project. You are going away for a month and so give a colleague in your research group 'Administrator' permission so they can continue to update and manage the blog.
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