Sitebuilder 2.250 - 14th December 2011 - Release notes
Sitebuilder 2.250 was released on 14th December 2011. Highlights from this release include:
General fixes and improvements
- Improvements to video playback in all browsers, particularly Google Chrome
- Improvements to printing ID6 styled pages
- A slight reduction in the size of headings in ID6 (increased in Sitebuilder 2.249)
- Visited links in page content are now explicitly shown
- "Invisible" space characters are now correctly stripped from inputs to forms
- [SBTWO-5024] - Embedded videos don't play in Chrome on Mac
- [SBTWO-5034] - Something is wrong with the print stylesheet and page content is cut off on the right hand side.
- [SBTWO-5036] - Embedded video resizes oddly in FF if it uses a redirected URL
- [SBTWO-5040] - Page version compare: one of the versions is transformed
- [SBTWO-5028] - Remove any requirement for htdocs to exist, and delete it
- [SBTWO-5031] - Headings too large
- [SBTWO-5032] - ID6 template should define visited link colour explicitly
- [SBTWO-5042] - Interactive map flyout
- [SBTWO-5000] - Replica filesystem checks should run more frequently
- [SBTWO-5033] - Strip "invisible" characters from formsbuilder inputs
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