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Tabula 35 (Bromine) - 10th May 2013 - Release notes

Tabula version 35 was released on Friday 10th May 2013. The main visible improvements and changes are:

Module groups/sub-departments

We recognise that grouping content to an entire department can make it difficult to manage, particularly for large departments. Therefore, we've introduced the concept of sub-departments (currently only in Coursework Management) - you can move Modules from the parent department to sub-departments, and move permissions there as well - which makes it easier to manage.

For example, if you were the School of Architecture, you might want to split into Architecture Undergraduate and Architecture Postgraduate, and move modules into each. That way different administrators don't have to worry about modules in the other department. You might even want to go down to first, second and third year, depending on how your department is set up.

Please contact the ITS web team at webteam at warwick dot ac dot uk if you'd like us to implement this for you.

File attachments on personal tutor meeting records

You can now attach up to 10 files to a personal tutor meeting record. If these files are audio or video, we also support inline playback - so if you want to record audio for a meeting rather than write a description of the actions, you can do that.

General improvements and fixes

  • Extension managers will now receive an email notification if another manager approves or rejects an extension request
  • You can now mark assignments as formative or summative, which appears in the Feedback report
  • For departments that have requested it, we now import tutor information from SITS (we may contact you to discuss your requirements here)
  • Module managers no longer have modules they manage hidden by default on the admin page
  • We've improved performance of the list of personal tutors in a department
  • An error that caused the "Request extension" button to appear (but not work) when departments don't allow extension requests has been fixed
  • We'll no longer erroneously add "Applicant" user accounts for mismatched university IDs in the assignment field (this sometimes caused an error granting extensions)

Technical release notes:

Technical task

  • [TAB-349] - Import tutor data from SITS


  • [TAB-399] - Restoring a SITS user should be rendered back following validation error
  • [TAB-638] - Exception adding extension for user with "no" userid
  • [TAB-641] - HTML escaping needed on formatters.ftl
  • [TAB-666] - Ignore expired/disabled usercodes if another exists
  • [TAB-700] - Clicking 'Cancel' from the review ext screen returns user to module page
  • [TAB-724] - Possible to have multiple originality reports looking at the same attachment
  • [TAB-725] - Null word counts explode the Assignment screen
  • [TAB-727] - Feedback reports show deadline day feedback as late
  • [TAB-732] - Show button is missing for module managers
  • [TAB-734] - Freemarker error viewing profile
  • [TAB-736] - Listing personal tutors is incredibly slow
  • [TAB-756] - Null word count explodes submission screen
  • [TAB-757] - Can't view permissions helper if not in god mode
  • [TAB-758] - Permission denied error when requesting extensions
  • [TAB-760] - Error viewing tutees if no access to studydetails
  • [TAB-764] - Popout 'What's this' text obscured and unreadable
  • [TAB-765] - "Who can see this?" clipped on profile meeting records


  • [TAB-416] - Allow multiple concurrent personal tutors
  • [TAB-564] - More granular permissions checking for student profiles
  • [TAB-570] - Don't generate zip files that contain path names longer than 210 chars (probably less)
  • [TAB-664] - SHA-1 hash attachments on upload, store in the db and verify on sync
  • [TAB-671] - Support embedded media playback
  • [TAB-675] - Record whether an assignment represents formative or summative assessment
  • [TAB-691] - Send email to other extension managers when an extension is approved
  • [TAB-730] - Add "run" option to job queue to run jobs manually (mostly for dev)
  • [TAB-753] - Add Profiles.Read.Core permission globally if you are a member of staff
  • [TAB-755] - Make PermissionsTarget.permissionsParents a Stream, not a Seq
  • [TAB-759] - Add cached "top-down" granted roles/permissions as a scopeless role provider

New Feature

  • [TAB-87] - Module-groups/sub-departments
  • [TAB-547] - Introductory text popovers


  • [TAB-359] - I want to be able to upload a file about a meeting with a personal tutee


  • [TAB-595] - Consider ways to make permissions checking more effective