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Tabula 2020.2.3 released

We released Tabula 2020.2.3 on Thursday 20th February 2020. In this version:

  • We fixed a bug that prevented students requesting a further extension in some cases. If the original extension was recorded without a request from the student in Tabula, the 'Review extension' button was not displayed to them.
  • There was an open source contribution that adds the ability to fetch the attendance for a specific small group via the Tabula API.

Technical notes


  • [TAB-8125] - Student not able to request extension

New Features

  • [TAB-8179] - Add API endpoint to fetch attendance for a specific small group (OSS)

Dev Tasks

  • [TAB-8142] - Update Submission Triggers so that they submit to TCA if applicable
Thu 20 Feb 2020, 14:11