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Tabula 2019.11.2 released

We released Tabula 2019.11.2 on Thursday 14th November 2019. In this version:

  • Module-related SITS data is now imported hourly, rather than daily. This may help avoid confusion caused by data in Tabula not reflecting changes in SITS.
  • Certain special characters are now removed from assignment names when uploading submissions to Turnitin. These characters were preventing Turnitin from processing submissions.
  • We changed the timing of assignment submission reminders sent on the close date, via My Warwick, to students who have not submitted. These are now sent 4 hours before the assignment closes. This is at 8am for assignments with the standard close time of 12 noon. They were previously sent at midnight on the close date.
  • The 'Meeting record approval' setting of sub-departments (for example, 'Architecture UG') is now honoured. Previously the setting from the parent department (for example, 'Architecture') was used.
  • Pages detailing Mitigating Circumstances submissions now display the submission date. This is in addition to the date the submission was last modified.
  • We added further validation to ensure that some permissions can only be granted to staff members.

Technical notes


  • [TAB-7796] - removeAccent does not handle all the strange chars
  • [TAB-7799] - Usercode/University ID API queries should use enrolment department

New Features

  • [TAB-7803] - Add API endpoint to return all possible StudentTargetGroups


  • [TAB-6113] - MW midnight notifications
  • [TAB-7793] - Meeting Record approval type should take into account sub-departments
  • [TAB-7801] - Show submission date on mitcircs detail page
  • [TAB-7802] - Add ability to filter by student target groups within /v1/universityIdSearch et al
  • [TAB-7804] - Ensure /v1/universityIdSearch or an alternative can be used to return staff
  • [TAB-7806] - Allow querying by specific course type
  • [TAB-7824] - Prevent students from being assigned as MCOs or panel members

Dev Tasks

  • [TAB-7825] - Enforce 12 noon deadlines on all edited assignments from 1st December

Dev Sub-tasks

  • [TAB-7807] - Combine module-related imports into a single, hourly job
  • [TAB-7808] - Remove module registration import from standard profile imports
  • [TAB-7809] - Run BulkModuleRegistrationImport for the specified members in ImportMembersJob
  • [TAB-7810] - Investigate running profile imports more regularly
  • [TAB-7828] - Re-schedule existing ScheduledNotifications not to be sent at midnight after deploy of TAB-6113
Tue 19 Nov 2019, 13:50