Tabula release notes
Tabula 2020.1.4 released
We released Tabula 2020.1.4 on Thursday 30th January 2020. In this version:
- You can now record an attendance note for a Small Group Teaching event for all students at once. There is the option to overwrite existing notes or leave them in place.
- Mitigating Circumstances Officers are now alerted to assessments with deadlines outside of the period covered by a Mitigating Circumstances claim. A warning triangle is displayed next to the date of any such assessment.
- Within ‘Reports’, when you generate a list of students on the ‘Export profiles’ page there is now a checkbox at the top to select all of them.
- For moderated assignments, the ‘Marking’ page for moderators now features a ‘Mark’ column next to ‘Marker Mark’. This displays the moderated mark, enabling moderators to see which marks they have changed.
- Markers are now able to download the feedback they uploaded for assignment submissions.
- The ‘Marking’ page for assignments with a feedback deadline now displays this at the top. The deadline is also included in the email notifications sent to markers when the assignment is released for marking.
- The ‘Missed event attendance by module’ report now excludes authorised absences. This makes it consistent with:
- The ‘Attendance’ page in students’ profiles
- The attendance page for a given module within Small Group Teaching
- When you copy a marking workflow featuring moderation from a previous year, the copy now retains the correct setting for who chooses which submissions to moderate.
- We now prevent invalid characters within the ‘Accepted attachment file types’ box on the ‘Edit assignment options’ page for an assignment. Previously, it was possible to specify ‘docx;’, for example, and the semicolon prevented the setting working as intended.
- We made it possible to remove all attachments from a mitigating circumstances claim. Previously, it was impossible to remove the last attachment.
- When you are signed in and email to request support via the pop-up box in Tabula, your username is now read only. This is so the Help Desk raises the resulting support call in your name. You can access the pop-up box from any Tabula page by selecting the 'Need help?' button in the top right and then following the link under 'Technical support' at the bottom of the 'Need help?' page.
Tabula 2020.1.3 released
We released Tabula 2020.1.3 on Thursday 23rd January 2020. In this version, in the Mitigating Circumstances component:
- We fixed a bug that prevented the display of certain affected assessments once outcomes were recorded.
- Images uploaded as evidence now display the right way round in all supported browsers, whether they were taken in portrait or landscape orientation.
- We fixed a bug that caused affected assessments to appear on a submission even when they were not selected.
- It's now possible to record acute outcomes for affected assessments of type 'Other'.
- We fixed a bug that caused certain assignments and exams to appear on the 'Other' tab in the 'Which assessments have been affected? section. This is also fixed for assignments and exams that are manually added to a submission.
Tabula 2020.1.2 released
We released Tabula 2020.1.2 on Thursday 16th January 2020. In this version:
We converted all assignments created in the old coursework management component (CM1) to assignments in the current component (CM2). This means you can now open and edit these assignments within CM2.
Tabula 2020.1.1 released
We released Tabula 2020.1.1 on Thursday 9th January 2020. In this version:
- Students are once again able to download their extension request attachments. Previously, this resulted in a 'Not found' error.
- We did some preparatory work for a new Turnitin integration, necessitated by a change to their API.
Tabula 2019.12.3 released
We released Tabula 2019.12.3 on Wednesday 18th December 2019. In this version:
We replaced the manual process of uploading missed monitoring points at the end of each term. When a monitoring point is recorded as ‘Missed (unauthorised)’, it's now immediately uploaded to SITS e:Vision. Only unauthorised missed points are uploaded; authorised missed points are not. If the attendance of the point is then changed, the missed point is removed from SITS. This means that points incorrectly recorded as 'Missed (unauthorised)' can now be corrected in SITS from within Tabula.
- When you add students on a given module to a small group set, students with deleted registrations for the module are no longer included. The module filter is available when you link students to the group set by SITS query, on the Properties page.
- When a student has more than one course, personal tutors and supervisors for any 'additional' courses can now see the student in their list of tutees / supervisees. Previously, this was only true for the student's primary course.
- We fixed a bug that prevented the download of template spreadsheets for allocating personal tutors.
- The utility bar, at the top of the page, now includes a 'System status' link. This goes to the 'University of Warwick system status' page. There you'll see details of issues affecting Tabula and other Warwick applications.
- We improved the 'Contact your administrator' facility, accessed via the 'Need help?' button. Notifications of requests for help are now sent to all relevant Departmental Administrators. Previously, only the first person to be assigned that role within the department was notified. Departmental Administrators can unsubscribe from these notifications via 'Tabula settings'. If doing so means no-one in the department will receive the notifications, a warning is displayed.