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Impact Support

R&IS Impact Managers

Impact Managers work centrally within Research & Impact Services (R&IS) to support and advise each faculty on impact planning and strategy, embedding impact into grant applications and all matters pertaining to impact in the REF:

  • Lesley Chikoore (Arts and Humanities)

  • Grace Prewett (Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, and WMG)

  • Robert Hollingworth (School of Life Sciences, Statistics, Mathematics, Psychology and Warwick Medical School)

  • Kathryn van de Wiel (Economics, Politics & International Studies, Philosophy, School of Law)

  • Helen Ackers (Applied Linguistics, CIDD, Education Studies, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, Sociology, Warwick Business School, IER)

Departmental Impact Directors

Most departments have a nominated impact lead or director responsible for supporting and developing impact activities and strategy.

Arts and Humanities