Responsible Innovation

Responsible Innovation
Responsible innovation is a process that seeks to promote creativity and opportunities for science and innovation that are socially desirable and undertaken in the public interest.
A variety of frameworks, tools and resources have been developed to support Responsible Innovation, for both research and business communities. They share approaches which facilitate the anticipation of consequences, and engagement with stakeholders, including policymakers and the public.

AREA (anticipate, reflect, engage and act) is a framework for use by researchers adopting a responsible innovation approach.
The AREA framework was developed by EPSRC to help researchers demonstrate awareness of and commitment to the principles of responsible innovation.

The PRISMA Responsible Innovation toolkit was designed for use by SMEs developing innovative products and services which address societal needs and contribute to environmental and economic sustainability.
PRISMA was developed by Warwick academics Tom Sorell (PAIS) and Carsten Maple (WMG).

The Observatory for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT (ORBIT) seeks to explore and address the Responsible Innovation challenges associated with Information and communication technologies.
The project was funded by the EPSRC and led by Oxford and DeMontfort universities.

Horizons is a practical tool designed to help innovators identify the big trends, issues, risks and opportunities with a particular focus on factors which shape markets, disrupt business models and shift the political landscape
This tool was developed by Innovate UK’s Knowledge Transfer Network.

Thinking Tool
The Societal Readiness Thinking Tool offers practical guidance to help researchers align their project activities with societal needs and expectations, and to integrate responsible research and innovation into different stages of the research project using reflective questions.
This tool was developed as part of the NewHoRRIzon project.

Responsibility Navigator
The Responsibility Navigator supports decision-makers to govern research activities towards more conscious responsibility. It is a framework to facilitate debate, negotiation and learning in a constructive and productive way.
This project was developed through the EU-FP7-funded Res-AGorA project.

PAS 440 is designed to help companies innovate responsibly and includes a Responsible Innovation Framework (RIF).
Innovate UK sponsored the development of this new Publicly Available Specification (or PAS) on responsible innovation.