Warwick-DESNZ Academic-Policy Knowledge Exchange Day

The Warwick Policy Hub invites Warwick academics to a Warwick-DESNZ Academic-Policy Knowledge Exchange Day on 14th October 2024. The event is aimed at providing an opportunity for networking between Analysts (researchers, economists, data scientists, and statisticians) at Department for Energy, Security and NetZero (DESNZ) and Warwick academics working on qualitative or quantitative methods to provide evidence for public policy. Topics of interest include Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and techniques, Digital Twins and other new/innovative methods for policy appraisal, monitoring, or evaluation. The event organisers are particularly eager to hear about case studies or work that is relevant to DESNZ (e.g. related to energy/climate policy or related to new/innovative methodological approaches that might be useful for DESNZ). Case studies from the UK and abroad are welcome, where approaches worked, new opportunities emerged, challenges were met, and valuable lessons were learned for the future. Colleagues are invited to share their work through rapid fire presentations. Please see details below of how to apply. Alternatively, you can participate in other interactive sessions with DESNZ members by completing the 'Registration' form on the right.
Call for Abstracts
A series of rapid fire presentations will be taking place for colleagues to present and share their work with Analysts from DESNZ, learn from colleagues, and develop ideas for collaboration.
If you would like to participate in these rapid fire presentations, please submit a 250 word abstract by 16:00 on Friday 13 September 2024.
Selected speakers will be notified by 25 September 2024.
Each presentation will be for 7-10 mins in the rapid fire session. Exact duration will be confirmed shortly after the abstract submission closes. In terms of content, the focus is on the practical aspects (e.g., method, methodology, software, tools) and findings from recent past and current work, rather than future plans. It is also ideal if experience/findings from your work can be tailored to DESNZ priority areas.
There will be ample opportunities for all confirmed attendees to engage with members of DESNZ and exchange ideas throughout the day through various interactive sessions.
We look forward to a day of inspiring discussions.
Event Details
Date: 14 October 2024
Time: 9.30-17:00 (exact timings to be confirmed).
Location: Warwick Conferences, Radcliffe
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission have now closed for this event.
Registration for this event has now closed.
Any questions?
For any questions about the event, please contact:
Funding for this event has been provided by:

Provisional Agenda
Below is a draft agenda for the event. More details and timings to be confirmed.
- Arrival and refreshments
- Welcome, introductions, and introduction to the Warwick Policy Hub
- Break
- Warwick Academics rapid fire presentations
- DESNZ Analysts rapid fire presentations
- Lunch
- Deep Dive Session: Emerging Technologies for Policy
- Break
- Breakout Session: Cutting-Edge Policy Tools, Experience and Outlook
- Planning for continued engagement and Plenary
- Closing