For queries related to Research Ethics, please contact the Secretariat of BSREC (Biomedical and Scientific Ethics Committee) or HSSREC (Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee)
For queries related to Research Sponsorship, please contact the Secretariat of SOC (Sponsorship and Oversight Committee)
For queries related to Trusted Research, including Export Control, National Security & Investment Act, and the Nagoya Protocol, please contact the Research Governance and Compliance team, R&IS
Reporting Concerns
If you are worried about any issues related to Research Integrity or Trusted Research or other interference concerns with your own research, research you are supporting, or research you are aware of then there are colleagues within the university who can help.
It can be difficult to broach concerns, but it is important to do so as it can improve the quality and integrity of the research in question, as well as safeguard vulnerable colleagues, protect the reputation of individuals and of the university, and avoid fines or criminal penalties for both the university and individual researchers.
The university will seek to handle any concerns raised in a professional, sensitive and confidential manner and will support anyone raising a concern, prioritising mitigation of risk or avoidance of harm, and adherence with regulations and university policy.
If you are being pressured not to raise one of the issues discussed on this page or encouraged to break regulations related to these issues, or if you would like assurances or support on a personal level prior to raising other concerns, you should contact the Staff Wellbeing Service in the first instance. If you are being pressured, harassed, or otherwise made to feel unsafe either in the course of supporting/conducting research or as a result of discussing some of the other concerns mentioned here, you can make a report either anonymously or with details to the Report + Support Service.
If you wish to raise concerns about cases of actual or potential wrongdoing, that may cause a danger to others or be illegal, you can report this under the University’s Whistleblowing Policy, by contacting .
If you wish to raise an issue of suspected research misconduct, including fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and misrepresentation, you can report this under the University’s Code of Practice for the Investigation of Research Misconduct, by contacting .
If you have any concerns or questions about: the profile or activities of a potential or current collaborator; the ways in which your research could be misused or misappropriated; or that your research, or something you use in it or create as part of it, has come from or will be sent somewhere unknown or dangerous.
If you have any concerns or questions about: the wellbeing or dignity of any study participants; unethical behaviour or failure to follow accepted ethical procedures; or research which may not have necessary ethical approvals.