Ethical Conduct of Research

University Statement on the Ethical Conduct of Research
University of Warwick Ethical Framework
The University of Warwick is committed to advancing and safeguarding the highest academic and ethical standards in all its research activities. The University’s Research Governance and Ethics Committee has oversight of the University’s governance and ethical policies and procedures and ensures ethical conduct of research across the University through the Research Code of Practice, and the Code of Practice for the Investigation of Research Misconduct.
The University is further committed to supporting researchers with emerging issues in relation to ethics across all research fields. The University expects that staff and students will behave ethically and professionally in all their activities. It is the responsibility of staff and students to consider the ethical implications of their research using the Research Code of Practice and all relevant guidelines of appropriate professional bodies to assist them in fulfilling their obligations.
University of Warwick Ethical Principles for Research Funding and Partnerships
The University of Warwick is committed to ensuring that it makes research funding and partnerships decisions responsibly and with integrity, having due regard to ethical, social, environmental and governance principles and has published a set of ethical principles under which the University operates when accepting research funding or working with partners or collaborators on research projects.
These principles ensure that the University only accepts funding or engages in partnerships with companies or organisations that act in an ethical manner, and which operate in alignment with the values and culture of the University.
University of Warwick Commitment
The University of Warwick is committed to conducting all its research in compliance with the UUK Concordat to support research integrity (2019)Link opens in a new window.
The University subscribes to the UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO)Link opens in a new window, an independent charity, which offers support to further good practice in academic, scientific and medical research.
All University of Warwick research must be conducted within its research governance framework and in accordance with the following standards of good practice:
Declaration of HelsinkiLink opens in a new window
Singapore Statement on Research IntegrityLink opens in a new window
UKRI policy on the governance of good research practice (GRP)Link opens in a new window
European Code of Conduct for Research IntegrityLink opens in a new window
University of Warwick Ethical Approval
The dignity, rights, safety and well-being of participants must be the primary consideration in any research project. Any University of Warwick student or member of staff, who wishes to undertake research involving human participants, their data and/or tissue must obtain appropriate ethical approval.
Ethical approval only covers the work for which approval has been sought. Any further approval must be applied for, should a study be extended or changed and/or further use of samples or data be required from a study which has already been completed.
Please visit our Research Ethics Committees web pages for further details.
University of Warwick Related Policies and Guidelines
Whistleblowing Code of PracticeLink opens in a new window
University Information Management Policy FrameworkLink opens in a new window
Health and Safety Policy & GuidelinesLink opens in a new window
Research Compliance GuidelinesLink opens in a new window