Research Misconduct

Misconduct in research is constituted by a failure to comply with the provisions of the Research Code of Practice and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing provisions includes:
a) the fabrication or falsification of research data;
b) the use of another person’s ideas, work or research data without appropriate acknowledgement;
c) misleading ascription of authorship to a publication.
Members and employees of the University have a duty to report all alleged misconduct to the Registrar and such reports shall be managed as prescribed in the Code of Practice for the Investigation of Research Misconduct.
Any failure to comply with this code or proved allegation of misconduct could lead to disciplinary actions as set out in the University’s Statute 28 and related Ordinances, Disciplinary Regulation 23 or employees terms and conditions as appropriate.
This code is based on the current UKRIO - Procedure for the Investigation of misconduct in ResearchLink opens in a new window and was approved on 20 July 2011 by the Council.
See also the University's Whistleblowing Code of PracticeLink opens in a new window that is a specific code within the University's overall Feedback and Complaints ProcedureLink opens in a new window.
In May 2018 The Russell Group of universities agreed a Statement of CooperationLink opens in a new window with respect to cross-institutional research misconduct allegations. This sets out the principles for the management of research misconduct allegations that involve more than one institution.