Research Support
Research & Impact Services (R&IS) is responsible for overseeing the administration of all research grants, their related agreements, and research contracts. Each Academic Department receives support from a dedicated team of R&IS research grants and contracts officers. They offer the following services:
- Bid development within andacross departments
- FEC costing and pricing to ensure effective cost recovery
- Expert advice on funding rules and regulations
- Requests for University match funding to equipment
- Legal and contracts advice as this pertains to research and research related agreements
- Development of a risk-based methodology for agreeing contractual terms
- Approval of research grants and contracts on behalf of the University
- Preparation of major research proposals
- Notification of Intent (NOI) form for researchers to notify R&IS, their Department/School and other research enabling services of their intention to develop a grant application or contract
- Acceptance of research awards on behalf of the University.
Grants, their related agreements, and contracts are submitted by, and awarded to, the University, and must be progressed under the conditions outlined in Financial Procedure 14.
The Organisational Development Support pages offer research active staff resources such the Research Staff Forum, workshops, webinars, coaching and events. Find out more.
For financial support and accounting for research and research-related projects please visit the University's Research Finance website: ResearchFinance