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5 health & wellbeing accounts to follow

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Below you’ll find accounts who share different ways of how to look after yourself, covering topics ranging from nutrition to stress and anxiety management.


Dr Chatterjee covers every aspect on how to look after yourself and build more healthy lifestyle habits. He posts about breathing techniques and stress management, to emotional health and strengthening your relationships.


For lunchbox ideas and informative sketches, follow Dr Wallace. She also explains scientific studies over her Stories to help answer and explain common questions.


Dr Sula Windgassen is a health psychologist who talks about topics like mindfulness and emotional health. She often delves into the relationship between our psychological and physical health.


If you’re looking for recipe ideas, cook-a-long’s, and advice on how to eat for your health then follow Dr Rupy Aujla. He highlights how important what’s on your plate is, and how you can eat to look after yourself.


Chartered psychologist Kimberley Wilson shares self-care food ideas, holds helpful “clinic sessions” where she answers viewers questions, and often sign-posts to self-development resources.

Please note we are not in a paid partnership or affiliated with any of with the Instagrammers listed.

Sam Davis Content Contributor, Warwick Sport

Sam is a content writer and sport enthusiast with a keen interest in football, judo, and hockey.


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