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Student Mobility Feedback

Please complete this quick survey, to give us some feedback on your mobility year. By completing this survey, you will be helping us review our future plans and supporting the many students who will follow you by doing Student Mobility in the future.



Do you have friends who will still be at Warwick when you return for your final year (required)
Are you prepared/comfortable with your return to Warwick (required)


Were you in receipt of a Warwick Bursary or Scholarship

Did you have any additional personal requirements

Were these requirements met by Warwick
Were these requirements met by your host institution
Did you attend the Student Opportunity Intercultural training sessions
Were you able to complete the Intercultural Training


Tell us what you felt about the information and support available to you from your host. Consider how easily available and current the information was, and whether the support offered was accessible and effective.

The module/course catalogue
The support relating to visa issues
The guidance on accommodation
The support on integrating into the university
Academic mentoring
Administrative support

Tell us what you felt about the information and support available to you from Warwick to support your preparation and placement. Consider how easily available and current the information was, and whether the support offered was accessible and effective)

Support in identifying and selecting your placement
Support from the Student Mobility team on preparing for your placement
Support from your academic department on preparing for your placement
The information provided by the Student Mobility Team for pre-departure
Support from your academic department on module selection or work plans
The communications from the University while you were overseas to keep you up-to-date on Warwick issues
Did you feel that the automated communications you received from Warwick University were relevant to you (required)
Did you feel that the communications you received from your academic department at Warwick University were relevant to you (required)
Did you feel that the communications you received from Warwick University Student Mobility team were relevant to you (required)


Do you consider you have improved in your ability to:

Cooperate in teams
Develop an idea and put it into practice
Express yourself creatively
Find solutions in difficult or challenging contexts (problem-solving skills)
Plan and carry out learning independently
Plan and organise tasks and activities
See the value of different cultures
Think logically and draw conclusions (analytical skills)
Use the internet social media and PCs for my studies work and personal activities

Do you think that this statement applies to you: 

I am more able to adapt to and act in new situations
I am more able to cooperate with people from other backgrounds and cultures
I am more able to reach decisions
I am more able to think and analyse information critically
I am more aware of social and political concepts like democracy justice equality citizenship civil rights
I am more confident and convinced of my abilities
I am more interested in knowing what happens in the world daily
I am more open minded and curious about new challenges
I am more tolerant towards other persons values and behaviour
I have increased my sector- or field-specific skills
I intend to participate more actively in social and political life of my community
I know better my strengths and weaknesses


Has your experience influenced your career plans
Has your experience highlighted any skills that you need to develop further to attain your career goals



as a percentage out of 100 how satisfied were you with your mobility experience overall
would you recommend Student Mobility to other students
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The University of Warwick will process your personal data provided for the purposes of analysis and research and to help improve our services to students.  We may link to your responses other data held by the University about you (eg department, course and other data) to help us better understand how responses vary between different types of students.  We may also contact you for the purposes of further research, or to ask for your permission to publish quotes for marketing purposes].

Your personal data will not be shared or disclosed to any third parties external to the University of Warwick.

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