Suicide-Safer University

Suicide-Safer University
At the University of Warwick, we are committed to creating a suicide-safer community. We aim to minimise suicide and attempted suicide in so far as is possible, recognising that the University can play a key role in helping to do this.
Suicide-Safer Strategy & Action Plan
In September 2018, Universities UK published guidanceLink opens in a new window (developed in collaboration with PapyrusLink opens in a new window, the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide) on how institutions should develop a safer-suicide plan.
Our Suicide-Safer Strategy & Action Plan has been developed in line with this guidance, and in partnership with our Students' Union and other key internal and external stakeholders, including the NHS and Public Health.

Our Wellbeing Strategy
This Suicide-Safer Action Plan constitutes one distinct component of the broader University Wellbeing Strategy.
It is owned by the Director of Wellbeing and Safeguarding, with strategic oversight and dissemination responsibility held by the Student Wellbeing Strategy Group. It will be reviewed and refined annually to reflect learning.
The University is an active participant in local and regional suicide prevention networks.