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Boundaries and Confidentiality

Non-medical helpers

Your role is to provide enabling support and not personal assistance. Your role does not include support with toileting, washing, food preparation and laundry. If a personal care situation arises then you must contact Disability Services/Mental Health immediately. All students that require personal care support should have a carer whether they are present or on call.

Your role is not to provide subject related support or give guidance on academic issues. If a student asks for guidance refer them to their department.

Please introduce yourself to the lecturers prior to any sessions, so they are aware you are not there as a student from the outset.

You must not take part in discussions, get involved in group work or give your opinion on the topic. If asked say that you are there to take notes and cannot get involved in the discussion.

If a tutor asks you to get involved politely remind them that you are there to take notes and that you are not there as a student. If there is a problem always refer staff to Disability Services/Mental Health. You should not discuss the student or their support requirements with staff as the student may want this to remain confidential.

Non-medical workers must exercise discretion. Their students’ circumstances can not be discussed with any third parties and they should respect their students’ privacy.

Non-medical workers are advised to make their students aware that they would need to seek guidance themselves from Disability Services/Mental Health on any issues that are not within the boundaries of their role.

If you are providing mobility or orientation support you may be asked to meet the student outside their halls of residence. You must not go into the student’s room. You either meet the student in the entrance area or outside the residence.

All support offered is campus based and should never take place off campus.

Respect individual, cultural and role differences.

We expect our non-medical workers to be polite, friendly and approachable, and we expect that you are shown the same level of courtesy from the students who use the service. Any reports of misconduct or abuse on either side will be looked at seriously and if necessary appropriate measures will be taken by Disability Services/Mental Health staff.

Please look at the next section which considers matters relating to health and safety, lone working, risk assessment and safeguarding.