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Professionalism and Boundaries



As a result of their knowledge all adults working with young pepole and vulnerable adjuts in education settings are in positons of trust in relation to the people in their care.

Support workers should not:

- use their postiton to gain access to infromation for their own advantage/the stuedent's detriment

- use the relationship to form or promote relationships with learners which may include that of a sexual nature

Staff are expected to treat infromation they receive about learners in a discreet and confidential manner.

If they are in any doubt about sharing infromaiton which they nold or which has been requested of them they should seek the advice from staff in Disability Services.

They need to be cautious when passing infromtion to lthers about a leaner.


say if

- concerned for health and wellbeing

- not attending lectures

- not approving timesjeets

Do not -

discuss who you are supporting with other students or why you are supporing them.


why you


Student Support Workers should work within the boundaries of confidentiality and discretion. Their students’ circumstances can not be discussed with any third parties and they should respect their students’ privacy.

Student Support Workers are advised to make their students aware that they would need to seek guidance themselves from Disability Services on any issues that are not within the boundaries of their role.

If you are providing mobility or orientation support you may be asked to meet the student outside their halls of residence. You must not go into the student’s room. You either meet the student in the entrance area or outside the residence.

Respect individual, cultural and role differences.

We expect our support workers to be polite, friendly and approachable, and we expect that you are shown the same level of courtesy from the students who use the service. Any reports of misconduct or abuse on either side will be looked at seriously and if necessary appropriate measures will be taken by Disability Services staff.