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What’s On This Term

What’s On This Term


ADHD Peer Group

This is a peer support group for students who have a diagnosis of ADHD or are waiting to be assessed. The intention is to provide information and support and have an element of peer support.

The aims of the group are:
  • Provide a space where ADHD can be discussed with others who might be experiencing similar symptoms
  • Provide psycho-education around the diagnosis process; what to expect, how it works, possible time scales.
  • Provide a space to share information about coping strategies to tackle some of the challenges that students might face with regard to this neurodiversity.
  • Provide a supportive environment for those who are going through the process or are considering it.

We meet weekly in term time, Tuesday 4-5pm starting week 1, Term 1. We meet in reception of Wellbeing Support, ground floor of Senate House. Attendance is on a drop in basis, no need to book.

We look forward to seeing you.


Wellbeing Run

This 5K route takes in the lakes and is for ALL running abilities. The run goes ahead in all weathers and is on paths so no mud worries!

We meet every Wednesday at the White Koan sculpture outside Warwick Arts Centre. Finishes at the Sports & Wellness Hub. 8am – 8.45am.

Scan the QR code below to download our UoW Sport appLink opens in a new window and secure your Wednesday slot:

QR code to download the UoW Sport app

Allotment Group

The Allotment Society meet Wednesdays 2-4pm (term time) and tend the student allotments on campus, engaging in a range of horticulture and social activities.

Wellbeing Advisers from Wellbeing and Student Support are present during the session and can help any students who may want support to attend by meeting at Senate House and walking down together.