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Academic Integrity: Student Competition

Enter our student competition using the form below

You'll have the chance to win one of:

  • 1 x £100 Amazon voucher
  • 1 x £50 Amazon voucher
  • 2 x £25 Amazon voucher

To enter:

  1. Make a creative submission on the theme of ‘championing academic integrity in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)’ for other students.​ This could be in the form of a poster, short video, poem, short article, t-shirt design, photograph, blog post, recipe, or any other creative ideas. Things to consider:
    • What does academic integrity mean to you?

    • Does your submission encourage others to champion academic integrity?

    • Does it link to the theme of championing academic integrity in the age of AI?

  2. Submit your entry using the form below by 13 November 2023.
  3. All entries will be displayed for Warwick staff and students from Academic Integrity Celebration Week (20 November).
  4. The competition will be judged by Coventry University's Academic Manager for Student Experience, Irene Glendinning, and the winners and runners-up will be contacted by email to redeem their Amazon vouchers.

Click here to read submission guidance and the competition terms and conditions.

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