Meet Your Sabbs 2016
Earlier this year the Students' Union Sabbatical Officers for 2016-17 were elected by you to run and develop the SU.
They are members of key University committees, such as the Steering Committee, the Academic Quality and Standards Committee and the Council, in order to ensure representation of student views in University decision-making.
You can keep up to date with the Sabbs through their blogs.
President | Luke Pilot
Luke is the President and outward face of Warwick Students’ Union, representing students from our international 24,000+ strong University community and ensuring that the University always acts in students’ best interests.
Last year I was the Welfare & Campaigns Officer and I intend to continue prioritising issues like mental wellbeing and collaborating with grassroots activists to engage in social action. I’ll also be working on an institutional strategy to combat sexual violence in our community and campaigning against the Prevent duty.
I strongly believe Students’ Unions are political bodies which campaign on all issues affecting students locally, nationally and internationally. This year will see a plethora of big changes to Higher Education and I want to be prepared to fight for free and accessible education for all and to ensure our community is inclusive of everyone.
Education Officer | Hope Worsdale
As Education Officer, Hope represents students on academic matters.
On a campus level, my role is to ensure that the interests and well-being of students are prioritised throughout the academic system, and I’ll be working with the vast network of course reps, faculty reps and education exec members to achieve this. On a national level, as Higher Education is facing the most dangerous and drastic changes in decades through the HE Bill, I’ll make sure students are kept fully up-to-date on national education policy and will support and facilitate campaigning around these crucial issues. Some of my priorities this year are liberating the curriculum, pushing for more study space, cutting out hidden costs for students and fighting the government's oppressive Prevent Agenda.
Welfare and Campaigns Officer |
Chloe Wynne
As Welfare and Campaigns Officer, Chloe works with the SU Advice Centre to help thousands of students with their issues, proactively lobbying the University to improve the student experience and campaigning on issues such as housing, wellbeing, mental health and affordability. Chloe says:
My priorities this year will be to launch a comprehensive 'Are You OK?' campaign tailored to newcomers, mid-degree students, and leavers, so that at each stage of the student lifecycle our students have appropriate access to wellbeing resources that will make their transition as stress-free as possible. Also high on my agenda are tackling the issues of students wrongfully losing their housing deposits, supporting those in abusive friendships and relationships, reforming the reporting and care pathways for survivors of sexual violence, and lobbying for the removal of hidden costs while studying. If students find themselves in need of support - whatever they're going through - then help is on hand through the Welfare Officer and the SU Advice Centre.
Part time officers
The SU also has a number of part time officers who offer support on specific issues.
Democracy and Development Officer |Becky Gittins |
Becky is Democracy and Development Officer and, as the title suggests, her role covers two main areas of SU business.
The first is the democratic processes of the SU. Becky is in charge of running All Student Meetings, Autumn Elections and Sabbatical Officer Elections. She is also keen to look at new ways to make the SU more accessible to all students and improve engagement with SU democracy.
The development agenda concerns the SU outlets (The Terrace Bar, Bread Oven, Curiositea etc). She has responsibility for making sure these outlets are run in the best interest of students and that feedback on current and future outlets is taken into account.
My priorities this year include widening participation with SU democracy, exploring the possibility of new outlets (such as a Warwick Foodbank) and fighting to represent the voice of the student body in what is set to be a very turbulent time for higher education institutions.
Postgraduate Officer | Nat Panda
Nat is the Postgraduate Officer representing postgraduate taught and research students, and was re-elected following his first term in office during 2015-16.
My priorities are to get postgrads a better deal with their housing, fair teaching pay and conditions, better access to health services, a more liberated curriculum, extended widening participation support and much, much more. I’ll also be fighting against the government’s damaging Higher Education reforms, the government’s toxic Prevent agenda, and against the University’s injunction restricting students’ right to protest on campus.
Societies Officer | Marissa Beatty
Marissa is the Societies Officer overseeing the 250+ student societies we have here at Warwick. Marissa says:
I support societies which are just getting set up as well as the more established societies which are looking to grow and develop. Student societies at Warwick work incredibly hard to raise money for charity, help their members develop a range of skills and put on thousands of fantastic events throughout the year - including socials, conferences and balls. My aim is to give societies the tools and resources they need to raise funds for, organise and promote their incredibly wide range of activities.
Sports Officer | Ted Crowson
Ted’s role is to oversee and support the sports clubs here at Warwick. Ted says:
My main priorities for the year are to help sports clubs in their recruitment by pushing for better scholarship offers, leniency in admissions, accommodation opportunities, and hosting open day sports talks and tours. Alongside this I want to create a more active and inclusive Warwick, facilitating links with local clubs, increasing awareness and involvement with disability sports and introducing direct debit gym memberships. Finally, I want to build on the success of the ‘Team Warwick’ brand to make Varsity an even bigger and more engaging event than ever.