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A new look for MyWarwick

See what's changing

During the final term of last academic year, you shared your thoughts on how we communicate with you. We really appreciate your candour and honesty. We will be making changes starting in the autumn term inspired by what you told us.

What did you tell us?

How we communicate

You told us you feel well informed on topics and like the tone we use - we will keep this going.

This is a preview of the new-look MyWarwick homepageOur website

You found the MyWarwick webpage too busy and full of too much information. So we are going to simplifying things for you, with a with a focus on news, events and useful links.

What's changing?

At the top of the page, a slideshow will show you the latest news and information in a quickly accessible way.

The page continues with a greeting and two links to Newsletters and Opportunities. We will highlight events and news, and link to further information.

We will then display useful links across Warwick's website, the quick links for Covid-19 information, and a way to find our social media platforms.

Our emails

You said you liked to read our emails as your main source of information, but would prefer shorter, bi-weekly newsletters. We have taken this on board and will be sending snappy newsletters twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.

The things we talk about

You wanted to see more of campus life and our community, so we are going to put much more of this content into our newsletters - look out for our new "Five questions with..." feature!

You would like to hear more about what our graduates are doing, the successes, the challenges, inspiring stories and changes of direction - we will be hunting down these stories to share with you.

Do you have any feedback?

We hope you like the way things are shaping up, but if you have any feedback or further suggestions, you can always talk to us at studentcomms at warwick dot ac dot uk.