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Deferring your offer

Can I defer my offer?

We are working to welcome our new cohort as planned in October and we very much hope you will be able to join us then. We do understand however that your personal circumstances may change and that you may need to consider deferring your place. Some departments do allow applicants to defer their place by one academic year. Please note that you will still need to meet your conditions of offer in full within the current admissions cycle. The deadline for meeting our conditions is 31 August 2020.

Making an informed decision

We know that the Covid-19 situation is creating a lot of uncertainty in relation to studying next year: we recommend that you take your time when considering whether you want to defer and make an informed decision once more information is available in the coming weeks.

The UCAS website has some really good advice on deferring your application which we would encourage you to read before you decide whether or not you want to defer your place. Read UCAS' advice on deferring your place.

Please bear in mind that some of the documents submitted as part of your application may no longer be valid for entry for the following academic year. If your request is approved by your department, the Admissions Service will consider this when deferring your application and may ask you to meet some conditions again, for example if your English language certificate is only valid for 2 years.

Deferring your place

Please email ugadmissions at warwick dot ac dot uk to request your deferral, with the subject line "Deferral request".

What if I have applied for 2021 entry and wish to come this year?

If you received an offer for study starting in academic year 2021/22 and your circumstances have now changed you may wish to bring your study plans forward and start in academic year 2020/21.

Please email ugadmissions at warwick dot ac dot uk to request to change your start date and include “Request change of start date to 2020/21” in the subject line.

Whilst we cannot guarantee that this will be possible, your department will consider your request carefully and let you know the outcome.