Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine

Meet some of the expert teachers guiding the engineers, doctors, technologists and science researchers of the future.
Our teachers in the Faculty of Science, Medicine and Engineering provide first-class support and teaching in mathematics, physical and life sciences, engineering, astrophysics and medicine. Our students benefit from some of the world’s best minds guiding them in their discoveries, working in a supportive, inspiring, research-rich environment.

Professor. dr. ir. Stefan A. F. Bon
Department of Chemistry
Awards: Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence (WATE)
Describe your teaching style in one word: Energetic
Most memorable classroom moment: Experiencing the buzz of excitement when students engage with enthusiasm. Whether it’s an interactive lecture, a workshop, a lab class or scientific research, the opportunity to captivate people with science and to explore, discover and innovate together are the moments that make it all worth it to work in academia.

Dr Freeha Azmat
WMG (Warwick Manufacturing Group)
Awards: WMG Star Award for “Contribution to Undergraduate Education”, WMG Staff Recognition Award
Describe your teaching style in one word: Problem-based
Most memorable classroom moment: I teach part-time students and in one of the sessions I taught a student who was my father’s age. The person had such a wide range of experience in the field, but was struggling to understand the fundamental concepts which I helped them with. The experience was very motivating for me to understand that there is no age limit for learning. If you have the willingness and the correct attitude to learn something, age becomes just a number.

Associate Professor Siri Chongchitnan
Warwick Mathematics Institute
Awards: Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence (WATE)
Describe your teaching style in one word: Colourful
Favourite thing about teaching at Warwick: My fantastic department gives me a lot of freedom, resources and support to experiment with different teaching technologies. I love seeing students who come to us as shy, apprehensive first years, who grow and blossom into confident graduates, ready to take on the world.
Most memorable classroom moment: One of my lectures was at 11AM on Remembrance Day. Before we observed the 2-minute silence, I talked to my students about how, in times of war, young people the same age as them wouldn’t have had a chance to study, to enjoy university life, or to plan for the future. It made us appreciate how lucky we were, and it was an incredibly poignant moment for me.