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- Education Studies BA (X35B)
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Find out more about our Education Studies degree at Warwick
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- X35B
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- Bachelor of Arts (BA)
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- 3 years full-time
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- 26 September 2022
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- Education Studies
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- University of Warwick
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An Education Studies degree at Warwick will give you a deeper appreciation of education’s transformative power. This course covers more than the theory and practice of teaching and learning. It also explores topics including politics and education policy, creativity, the psychology and philosophy of learning, and childhood and society. It opens doors to many careers in education.
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Critically analysing education in a fast-changing globalised world, the BA (Hons) Education Studies will introduce you to creative and forward-thinking approaches to teaching and learning.
It will also enable you to develop your understanding of contemporary educational policy at both global and local levels, while exploring the background to the history and development of education.
You will gain hands-on experience through a work-based placement, with tailored career advice throughout the course. With optional modules to choose across a range of different related disciplines, from philosophy to sociology, economics to psychology, you will gain a broad set of skills to help you progress to where you want to be.
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In year one you will study eight compulsory modules (see below). In year two you will study compulsory modules in Research Methods, Globalisation and Education, Policies and Politics of the English Education System, and Professional Identity and Skills: Work Based Placement. You will then choose optional modules to complete your Year Two programme.
In year three you will study two core modules including dissertation, plus modules from within the Department or up to two education-focused modules from other Departments.
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Teaching sessions tend to be in smaller, seminar-type groups rather than large lecture theatres. As you would expect, our course uses a wide variety of teaching and learning methods ranging from traditional lectures to practical workshops where you'll collaborate with your fellow students.
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Tend to be smaller groups of around 10-25 students with some taught sessions of around 50 students.
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12 hours per week in the first year, and additional time for self-directed study. For your second and third years, the amount of time you spend in lectures, seminars or tutorials will depend on the modules you choose.
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Assessment takes a number of different forms on the course, including essays, presentations, reflective portfolios, creative projects and the development of policy ideas and other professional documents. There are no formal examinations on the course.
Alongside the assessed work that counts towards your marks for each module, you will receive a range of formative (non-credit) feedback, including comments on written work, seminar contributions or peer-group presentation skills.
This formative feedback is invaluable in helping you to get the most from your degree - pushing you to achieve more, and ensuring you are always learning and developing the quality of the work you produce.
In addition to course and module leaders, you will have a personal tutor to support you with any issues you might have - either academic or more generally - helping to keep you on track with your studies. In your third year you will also have a dissertation tutor to guide you through this important piece of work and help you develop the extended research skills you will need.
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Study abroad
Studying overseas can add immeasurably to your personal development and future study and career opportunities. As part of our BA Education Studies, we provide the opportunity for students to take either a 13-week placement abroad or a full year, where your third year will be spent at one of our partner Universities. For example:
- Dronning Mauds Minne Hogskole in Trondheim, Norway
- University of Boras, Sweden (13 weeks only)
- Maria Ulrich College of Early Childhood Education, Portugal (13 weeks only)
- Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
A year abroad will not count towards your final degree mark, but it will give you the chance to experience studying Education in another country as well as experiencing life in a new and exciting culture.
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Placements and work experience
You can take a work-based placement module (core) in Year Two, with a minimum of 15 hours on placement.
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A level typical offer
A level additional information
You must also achieve grade B or 6 in GCSE English Language and grade C or 4 in GCSE Mathematics.
A level contextual offer
We welcome applications from candidates who meet the contextual eligibility criteria and whose predicted grades are close to, or slightly below, the contextual offer level. The typical contextual offer is BBB. See if you're eligible.
General GCSE requirements
Unless specified differently above, you will also need a minimum of GCSE grade 4 or C (or an equivalent qualification) in English Language and either Mathematics or a Science subject. Find out more about our entry requirements and the qualifications we accept. We advise that you also check the English Language requirements for your course which may specify a higher GCSE English requirement. Please find the information about this below.
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IB typical offer
IB contextual offer
We welcome applications from candidates who meet the contextual eligibility criteria and whose predicted grades are close to, or slightly below, the contextual offer level. The typical contextual offer is 32. See if you're eligible.
General GCSE requirements
Unless specified differently above, you will also need a minimum of GCSE grade 4 or C (or an equivalent qualification) in English Language and either Mathematics or a Science subject. Find out more about our entry requirements and the qualifications we accept. We advise that you also check the English Language requirements for your course which may specify a higher GCSE English requirement. Please find the information about this below.
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DDD in a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma or National Extended Diploma in a relevant subject.
We also welcome applicants taking combinations of A level and BTEC qualifications.
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Year One
Theories of Learning
This module introduces you to various theories of how human beings learn. The module covers leading child development theorists' perspectives on learning in the early years (such as Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky) as well as examining the work of theorists who explore learning from the perspective of older children, young people and adults. By the end of the module you'll have acquired the tools for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of contrasting learning theories. This module also aims to give you an insight into the relationship between social values, culture and theories of learning.
Social Contexts of Childhood and Education
This module investigates the relationships between childhood, education and society. Throughout the module, we explore a number of arenas through which children are nurtured, protected and socialised, including family, peer group and the virtual world of mass media and digital technology. These contexts are viewed as important educational sites in their own right, as well as providing crucial supportive networks for schools and children's schooling. The module focuses on the way that these social contexts have changed as well as concentrate on the expanding roles that children themselves play in their own socialisation, schooling and identity formation. We also critically analyse the impact of class, poverty, gender and ethnicity on education and childhood.
Foundations for Learning: The Early Years
What motivates children to learn? How do they learn? What should they learn? In this module, you’ll consider what very young children (0-5 years) need to take part in education and society. Topics include:
• Developmental theory (prenatal and through early years)
• Holistic learning
• Diversity and inclusion
• The role of adults in education and society
• Leadership and governance
• UK and international initiatives to improve the outcomes for disadvantaged young children and their life chances
International Education
This module will explore models, concepts and themes relating to education at a global level. There are two overarching trends which structure the sessions. First, processes of globalisation provide a theoretical frame within which students will examine themes and trends that cut across geographical and national boundaries. Among other things, globalisation and children’s rights to education, the Millennium Development Goals, the investment in early years education, and the marketisation of schooling and higher education are discussed. Second, the module will focus on the way that education is promoted within different international contexts, thereby exploring how factors such as ideology, culture and economics impact on education. There will be more of a case study approach here with students focusing on country specific education systems, such as Scandinavia, America or Italy. In each case the focus may be on the schooling system, the provision of early years education or the shifting role of higher education.
Creativity, Culture and Learning
The idea of creativity is at the heart of contemporary educational policy and practice. You could say that developing creativity is a 21st-century educational ideal. Yet claims about creativity often avoid questions of what creativity is and why creative activities might be valuable. Through this module, you’ll understand:
• The key debates and concepts relating to creativity
• How different forms of creative thinking, behaviour and learning can be encouraged
• The role of ideology in shaping personal, local, national and global attitudes to creative forms of thinking, learning and behaving
• How to debate and evaluate what a creative learning experience is
Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
What is philosophy? What does a philosophical question about education look like? What role has philosophical thought historically played in shaping education? What role and status should philosophy have in education today? Can teaching and learning be effective if there is not a philosophical element to it? This module considers these questions, in the context of exploring the relationship between the discipline of philosophy and the field of education. The module will provide an introductory starting point for wrestling with these questions through close reading of extracts of key philosophical texts and through practically exploring the teaching of philosophy with primary aged pupils in a local school setting.
Education Today
This module interrogates contemporary trends within education and the social values they reflect. The module will approach the topic of education through many contrasting perspectives. You'll critically appraise the social, cultural and political factors that affect students, teaching professionals, parents and other key stakeholders, as they negotiate and participate in the contemporary education 'offer' provided at a local, national and international level. Key practical approaches and philosophical perspectives will be introduced and debated, as you consider how factors such as inclusion, equality, diversity, community, religion, attainment, quality, excellence, economic growth and political instability interact within contemporary education systems.
Academic Identity and Skills
This reflective and practical module allows you to explore your preferred ways of learning. Through considering the academic standards, assessment methods and teaching and learning practices used in Higher Education this module will support you to develop an informed, personalised and critical approach to academic scholarship.
Year Two
Globalisation and Education
This module will explore models, concepts and themes relating to the globalisation of education. In particular, there are two general trends outlined and critically examined with reference to globalisation.
The first overarching theme is the idea of globalisation as a process of global standardisation. The module will pick up on a number of debates and issues relating to how attempts have been made to homogenise education globally, or at least move towards more universal provision at a number of different levels. This will involve analyses of the political and economic dimensions of globalisation as it affects education including the involvement of supra-national organisations, NGOs, and nation states.
The second dominant theme is the emphasis on global diversity. Attempts at globalising education come up against political and cultural obstacles. The second half of the module will focus more on trends and cases of education and schooling that highlight the diversity of provision, and practices within education. The sessions will refer to global and national policy contexts where relevant, as well as pick up on novel attempts to provide education and schooling in contexts of political and economic adversity.
Policies and Politics of the English Education System
This module will introduce you to the core areas of policy contention, innovation and development in the English educational system. Starting with the historical context, you’ll discover how the major reviews of education in the 20th and 21st centuries have shaped educational policy and practice. You’ll also explore:
• formal educational assessment
• how policy affects educational inequality
• how social and cultural changes within English society have affected the education system and curriculum
• different approaches to teacher training
• trends in the marketisation of education in England
Professional Identity and Skills: Work-Based Placement
This module gives you the opportunity to hone your professional skills and career aspirations through an education-based, work-based placement. In taught sessions you’ll explore the professional characteristics of organisations who work with children, young people and their families in an educational capacity. This will include investigating the staffing and leadership structures of example organisations, their policies, their modes of work, professional roles and conduct. In addition, the role of reflective practice in professional development will be examined from both theoretical and practical angles. You’ll be given support with organising your placement, which can be in a location of your choice (however, approval must be gained from the module leader who must see a clear connection between the work of your chosen organisation and the concept of ‘education’) or may be based with one of the Department of Education Studies’ key partners. Education Studies placement partners consist of organisations that deliver both formal and informal education in a variety of contexts (i.e. schools, hospitals, charities, children’s centres, sports organisations, youth theatres, community organisations).
Research Methods
This module will equip you with the theoretical knowledge, and the practical research design and ICT skills, required for research in the education field. You’ll study:
• How to form research questions and hypotheses
• How to match research questions to appropriate research methodologies
• When to employ quantitative or qualitative research, and what their strengths and limitations in education are
• How to design data collection materials such as questionnaires and interview schedules
• Ethical and legal issues involved with research in an education field
Year Three
21st Century Educational Innovation
This module explores current and future innovation in education. Topics include: the future needs of education practice, from birth to adult; global and local cultures and practice; multiliteracy; diversity; social justice; the marketisation of education; and governance. You’ll also investigate the difference between equity and equality – and analyse how different models of education positively or negatively impact students’ learning.
After three years of study, this module will enable you to apply the knowledge you’ve gathered during your course to present your own possible alternative models of education.
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- Philosophy in Education
- Education, Race and Ethnicity
- Children’s Literature in Childhood
- Introduction to Special Educational Needs and Disability
- Education and Social Justice
- Education for Sustainability
- Masculinities, Fatherhood and Young Children
- Social Theory and Education
- Arts-Based Learning in Education
- The Developing Child in the School Context