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- Electronic Engineering MEng (H612)
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Discover more about our Electronic Engineering MEng at Warwick
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- H612
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- Master of Engineering (MEng)
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- 4 years full-time
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- 26 September 2022
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- School of Engineering
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- University of Warwick
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If you are curious about how things work and have a keen mind for applying what you learn to solve real-world problems, engineering is the perfect career for you.
From smart phones to satellites, learn how Electronic Engineers play a pivotal role in the design and manufacture of a vast range of products and systems.
This course is accredited by the IET.
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Recent scientific and technical innovations means electronic engineers are central to the design and manufacture of a vast range of products and systems.
Our Electronic Engineering degree draws on both industrial and academic experience to provide skills that are aligned with best commercial practices and much sought after by employers.
By choosing the MEng degree you can explore specialist areas of Electronic Engineering through fourth-year core and optional module choices and a group project.
Our graduates are well placed to contribute within a variety of sectors in addition to electronic engineering, such as design and production, energy, transport, the built environment, information and communications.
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We offer flexible degree programmes that enable you to experience a range of different engineering disciplines before you decide to specialise.
All first year students study a general engineering programme, which is much favoured by industry. Students at Warwick develop an in-depth understanding of the classical principles of Engineering by following a general engineering programme for the first four terms. If you then choose to specialise in Electronic Engineering, you will continue to study the same modules as those on the Electrical and Electronic Engineering programme until the end of the second year.
The later years of the degree reflect our key research areas including communications, embedded systems, power electronics, ASICs and silicon-based smart sensors. Practical work in electronic engineering begins in the first year, with the third-year individual project forming an important part of the course. Past individual project titles, supported by industry, include ‘A Mobile Phone Based Electronic Nose’ that analyses the breath of patients in local hospitals and ‘Delivering Satellites to Space with Power Electronics’.
You can also switch from the three-year BEng to the four-year MEng if academic requirements and regulations are met. Alternatively, you can switch from the MEng to the BEng if you prefer to graduate earlier.
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We use a variety of teaching methods, ranging from lectures and group tutorials to small-group teaching in laboratories. Our refurbished, state-of-the-art laboratories are equipped with software and instrumentation to support the different teaching activities.
There is strong support in the School from students and staff. Lecturers provide support and feedback hours for additional help with materials they have covered. To help you make the transition from school to university, in your first year you will meet your personal tutor each week in a group usually of five or six students.
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Class sizes for lectures, practical laboratory sessions and seminars vary depending on the number of students taking the module.
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Overall workload
The expected total study time is normally 1200 hours per year (average of 40 hours per week).
The hours below are based on a typical pathway through the course and could vary significantly, particularly from Year Two onwards. The hours will heavily depend on module or course choices and are subject to change.
Year One
350 hours of lectures, seminars and similar. 750 hours of independent study. 100 hours of project work.
Year Two
320 hours of lectures, seminars and similar. 640 hours of independent study. 240 hours of project work.
Year Three
260 hours of lectures, seminars and similar. 640 hours of independent study. 300 hours of project work.
Year Four
260 hours of lectures, seminars and similar. 640 hours of independent study. 300 hours of project work.
Read more about our course structures on the Engineering website.
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You will experience a variety of assessment methods, and can expect to mostly take (online or face-to-face) examinations and complete coursework assignments.
The percentages below are based on a typical pathway through the course and could vary significantly, particularly from Year Two onwards. The percentages will heavily depend on module or course choices and are subject to change.
Year One
20% Coursework, 20% Practical or Project, 60% Exam.
Year Two
25% Coursework, 25% Practical or Project, 50% Exam.
Year Three
25% Coursework, 35% Practical or Project, 40% Exam.
Year Four
25% Coursework, 35% Practical or Project, 40% Exam.
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Study abroad
You may choose to take an intercalated year in industry, research or study abroad between years two and three (BEng and MEng), or between years three and four (MEng only). If you choose to take an intercalated year, this will be reflected in your degree title, and add a year to your degree programme.
As an MEng student you may choose to take your third year as an exchange year at a partner university abroad, subject to academic requirements and approval of study programme.
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Placements and work experience
We have a dedicated Placement and Internship Officer who will encourage you to gain relevant work experience through a summer or year-long placement.
You may choose to take an intercalated year in industry, research or study abroad between years two and three (BEng and MEng) or between years three and four (MEng only). If you choose to take an intercalated year this will be reflected in your degree title, and add a year to your degree programme.
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A level typical offer
A*AA to include Mathematics and Physics.
A level additional information
We also ask for a pass in the science practical assessment (if applicable).
A level contextual offer
We welcome applications from candidates who meet the contextual eligibility criteria and whose predicted grades are close to, or slightly below, the contextual offer level. The typical contextual offer is AAA including Mathematics and Physics. See if you're eligible.
General GCSE requirements
Unless specified differently above, you will also need a minimum of GCSE grade 4 or C (or an equivalent qualification) in English Language and either Mathematics or a Science subject. Find out more about our entry requirements and the qualifications we accept. We advise that you also check the English Language requirements for your course which may specify a higher GCSE English requirement. Please find the information about this below.
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IB typical offer
38 with 6,6,6 at Higher Level, Mathematics and Physics are required - at least one of these subjects should be at Higher Level.
IB contextual offer
We welcome applications from candidates who meet the contextual eligibility criteria and whose predicted grades are close to, or slightly below, the contextual offer level. The typical contextual offer is 36 including 6,6,6 at Higher Level in three subjects including Mathematics and Physics. If you are studying either Mathematics or Physics at Higher Level the other subject must be studied at Standard Level. See if you're eligible.
General GCSE requirements
Unless specified differently above, you will also need a minimum of GCSE grade 4 or C (or an equivalent qualification) in English Language and either Mathematics or a Science subject. Find out more about our entry requirements and the qualifications we accept. We advise that you also check the English Language requirements for your course which may specify a higher GCSE English requirement. Please find the information about this below.
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We welcome applications from students who offer a combination of relevant BTEC and A level subjects. Applicants with a strong profile taking BTEC alongside A level Mathematics, Further Mathematics or Physics may be considered.
We also ask for a pass in the science practical assessment (if applicable).
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Year One
Introduction to Engineering: Professionalism and Practice
What does it mean to be an engineer? Whether you have already decided to pursue a particular discipline, or are still wondering which engineering avenue to take, completion of this module will see you better informed on your direction of study, and equipped with essential tools for studying engineering, such as good communication skills, professionalism and ethical integrity. With a practical focus on demonstrating your skills, you will have time to prepare for internships, future employment and induction to the community of engineers, which embraces those working in academic, industrial and commercial environments.
Dynamics and Thermodynamics
You will gain a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics and the dynamics of mechanical systems. You will study the motion of an object and its causes in one and two dimensions and learn to solve a range of problems using appropriate coordinate systems. You will learn how to use quantities such as impulse, momentum, work and energy conservation to solve problems in dynamics. You will develop an understanding of engineering thermodynamics, considering the properties of working fluids and mechanisms of heat transfer. You will develop and apply an understanding of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, and learn to make appropriate assumptions to model real-life engineering situations, including engine cycles.
Electrical and Electronic Circuits
You will gain a secure foundation in the fundamental concepts of circuits, devices and systems that underpin all branches of engineering. This will include study of the mathematical operations of AC quantities, including phasors, vectors and complex numbers. You will study the electronic components that comprise complex electrical and electronic circuitry, and control systems theory. You will be encouraged to develop your problem-solving and modelling skills to prepare you for more advanced material in later years.
Engineering Design
Design is a major activity within all branches of engineering. This module aims to introduce students to the complexities of the design task and equip them with some of the techniques and experience required to design for a function and manufacturing/construction process within their discipline. You will learn the ability to generate innovative designs and solutions to problems, to design for a particular manufacturing process, to collaborate effectively across teams and deliver compelling presentations of designs.
Engineering Mathematics
Through the practical problem-solving tasks provided in this module, you will gain the skills needed to apply the fundamental mathematical concepts that underpin all engineering disciplines, and prepare yourself for more advanced study. You will apply mathematical, probabilistic and statistical tools and techniques to real-life engineering problems, make appropriate, informed assumptions and examine models using analytical, statistical and numerical techniques.
Introduction to Engineering Business Management
Most professional engineers apply their skills in a business organisation, and so are required to appreciate the industrial and commercial environment in which they operate. You will use a systems approach to understand and work within the economic constraints affecting performance across a range and variety of businesses. By studying key aspects of business management including strategic marketing, accounting and costing, and product lifecycle you will develop your communication skills using different media, and gain the business acumen required to work in a competitive environment.
Materials for Engineering
As an Engineer, you will be required to evaluate and select appropriate materials and manufacturing processes, whilst taking due account of performance, cost and sustainability. During this module you will learn to distinguish the main classes of materials, explain how their structure affects their properties, and describe how their structure can be manipulated to enhance those properties. You will make decisions on the appropriateness of materials for a particular design and justify your choices, as well as being able to evaluate their environmental impact.
Statics and Structures
Statics and the behaviour of structures underpin civil engineering and many other branches of engineering science. You will acquire the knowledge required for further study in the design and analysis of structures, from buildings to infrastructures, and motor vehicles to wind turbines. There is a focus on increasing your competence in mathematical analysis and applying this to solve real-life problems in structures. You will develop practical knowledge of experimental work and the ability to observe and record hands-on experiments, including raising your awareness of health and safety issues in the laboratory.
Systems Modelling, Simulation and Computation
Systems modelling is an essential skill that underpins all engineering disciplines, allowing complex engineering problems to be approximated using mathematical models. Systems modelling provides necessary information to make decisions in the design and development of engineering solutions or to investigate systems that are too costly, difficult or unethical to investigate physically. This module focuses on the design and programming of models from first principles by the application of mathematical techniques and avoidance of modelling errors. You will learn how to: represent multi-domain systems graphically, derive models from data, construct a simulation model to predict system responses, and consider design principles that ensure robust model development (covering verification and validation techniques).
Year Two
- Dynamics and Fluid Mechanics
- Electromechanical System Design
- Engineering Mathematics and Data Analytics
- Technical Operations Management
- Analogue Electronic Design
- Computer Architecture and Systems
- Semiconductor Materials and Devices
Year Three
- Communications Systems
- Digital Systems Design
- Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Design
- Microwave Engineering and RF Circuits
- Power Electronics
- Signal Processing
- Individual Project
MEng students who take their third year abroad as an Exchange Year, and do not complete an individual project, will be required to do so as a core module during their MEng (fourth) year at Warwick.
Year Four
ASICs, MEMS and Smart Devices
The focus on this course is practical design work. You will study the design methodology of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) and Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) before designing your own ASICs and MEMS using computer-aided design software. You will also evaluate the principles and processes involved in the implementation of complex VLSI circuits and MEMS devices.
Advanced Power Electronic Converters and Devices
Building on your foundation studies in ES3E0 Power Electronics, you will gain advanced knowledge of power electronics and devices. This will involve you in investigating concepts in device design for industry-ready converter components, including through your theoretical knowledge of their operation. You will also consider emerging and future power semi-conductor devices that utilise new materials. There will be practical work involving you in conducting power quality, harmonic and EMC analysis and designing a power semi-conductor device for a specific application with the aid of a simulation package.
High Performance Embedded Systems Design
Radiowave Propagation and Wireless Communications Theory
Group project
MEng students participate in a large group project worth 25% of the year, which simulates the multidisciplinary working practices you will experience in your career. Students from all specialist courses work together on these projects allowing you to develop more advanced skills for the workplace and form new friendships and professional networks.
Popular projects include the IMechE Formula Student racing car competition, Warwick University satellite project (WUSAT), Severn Trent reservoir design, ICE shaping the world infrastructure design for poor communities, building search-and-rescue devices with Warwick Mobile Robotics, or creating a human-powered submarine.
The MEng final-year multidisciplinary group project is unique to the four-year degree and is not something that you would normally find as part of a one year standalone Master’s.
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- Motor Vehicle Technology
- Introduction to Biomedical and Clinical Engineering
- Systems and Software Engineering Principles
- Advanced Robotics
- Advanced Wireless Systems and Networks
- High Performance Embedded Systems Design
- Optical Communication Systems
- Information Theory and Coding
- Modern Foreign Language module
- Starting a Business
- Introduction to Secondary Teaching (Physics)
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- Find out more about fees and funding
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- There may be costs associated with other items or services such as academic texts, course notes, and trips associated with your course. Students who choose to complete a work placement or study abroad will pay reduced tuition fees for their third year.
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- Graduates from these courses have gone on to work for employers including: Arup Airbus Defence and Space Aston Martin Atkins Babcock International Group BAE Systems Delphi Technologies Deutsche Bank Facebook GE IBM Network Rail NHS Ricardo Samsung Electronics Tata Technologies Vodafone In addition to working as engineers and engineering professionals, other graduates have pursued roles such as: Actuaries, economists and statisticians Business and related associate professionals Estimators, valuers and assessors Finance and investment analysts and advisers Production managers and directors in manufacturing Programmers and software development professionals
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- Our department has a dedicated professionally qualified Senior Careers Consultant offering impartial advice and guidance together with workshops and events throughout the year. Previous examples of workshops and events include: • Options in Engineering • Meet and Engineer • Engineering, Science and Technology Fair • Considering a PhD in the STEM Subjects • Warwick careers fairs throughout the year [Find out more about careers support at Warwick.]