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- Neuroscience with Industrial Placement MBio (B143)
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Learn more about our Neuroscience with Industrial Placement MBio at Warwick
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- B143
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- Master of Bioscience (MBio)
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- 4 years full-time
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- 26 September 2022
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- School of Life Sciences
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- University of Warwick
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- This course has received interim accreditation from the Royal Society of Biology (RSB), and is pending full advanced accreditation upon graduation of the first cohort.
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Neuroscience is about understanding the most complex organ in the body – the brain. Of the four degree courses taught by the School of Life Sciences, this is our most specialised degree. This course will appeal to those who have a strong interest in how the brain and central nervous system works, neurological diseases and treatments.
This course has received interim accreditation from the Royal Society of Biology (RSB), and is pending full accreditation upon graduation of the first cohort.
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Neuroscience is the discipline that encompasses the study of the brain and nervous system in health and disease. This degree course is designed for students who wish to develop a greater understanding of the most complex and enigmatic of organs.
With the knowledge and practical experience gained on this course you will be able to develop a career in neuroscience and human health. Careers could include academic research, laboratory services, pharmaceutical drug discovery or clinical trials. Alternatively, you may wish to pursue a career in employment sectors that appreciate the value of a solid understanding of scientific principles, methods and approaches.
Our four-year MBio gives you the opportunity to undertake an extended final-year research project in industry.
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A core syllabus is offered in the first year for all degree courses providing the essential foundations in biology, biochemistry, genetics and chemistry. The same content in the first year means that it is often possible to transfer between the different degrees at the end of the first year. Core and optional modules in the second and third years allow students to tailor their degree.
Our modules span human brain health and wellbeing, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, infection, and the biology of molecules and cellular systems, including recent advances in psychiatric conditions such as depression and schizophrenia. Other areas covered include CNS conditions such as epilepsy, stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and neuromuscular disorders.
Most modules are core in the first year with optional modules in year two and three with the fourth year comprising of an Extended Research Project and Research Skills (training in advanced laboratory techniques, data handling and statistical analyses, critical analysis of the literature and designing research proposals).
Your fourth year comprises of an Extended Research Project and Research Skills (training in advanced laboratory techniques, data handling and statistical analyses, critical analysis of the literature and designing research proposals).
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You will have weekly (first year) and fortnightly (second and third years) taught tutorials, which are in small groups to ensure that you are able to develop, and receive regular feedback on assessment.
Purpose-built teaching facilities are fully integrated with research laboratories, meaning you will be learning alongside teaching and research staff who are at the cutting edge of their fields.
You will spend one or two days a week undertaking lab work. This becomes more project-oriented in your second year, culminating in a six-week individual research project in your third year.
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You will be assessed through:
- tutorials
- laboratory practical
- oral presentation
- written assignments
- exam-based questions
Approximately 45% of your marks will be assessed by coursework and projects throughout your degree.
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Placements and work experience
You will take a 12-month industrial research placement in your final year. Recent placements in industry have included the Assisted Reproduction Unit at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, AstraZeneca in Sweden, GSK and Novartis.
You will join carefully monitored research projects, covering a wide range of scientific areas and giving you valuable experience in scientific writing, data analysis and information technology. Whilst we do not guarantee you a placement, you will be given extensive support to secure one.
Many of our BSc and MBio students also choose to undertake work placements during vacations. We actively promote this, and will support you with applications and interview skills.
Find out more about the industrial placement.
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A level typical offer
AAA to include Biology, or AAB to include Biology and one of the following: Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Applied Science, Environmental Science, Statistics, Geology or Geography.
A level additional information
You must also achieve a pass in the science practical assessment (if applicable).
A level contextual offer
We welcome applications from candidates who meet the contextual eligibility criteria and whose predicted grades are close to, or slightly below, the contextual offer level. The typical contextual offer is ABB including Biology and one other Science or AAB including Biology. See if you're eligible.
General GCSE requirements
Unless specified differently above, you will also need a minimum of GCSE grade 4 or C (or an equivalent qualification) in English Language and either Mathematics or a Science subject. Find out more about our entry requirements and the qualifications we accept. We advise that you also check the English Language requirements for your course which may specify a higher GCSE English requirement. Please find the information about this below.
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IB typical offer
38 to include 5 in Higher Level Biology, or 36 to include 5 in Higher Level Biology and 5 in Higher Level Chemistry, Physics, Maths or Geography.
IB contextual offer
We welcome applications from candidates who meet the contextual eligibility criteria and whose predicted grades are close to, or slightly below, the contextual offer level. The typical contextual offer is 34 including 5 at Higher Level in Biology and a second science. See if you're eligible.
General GCSE requirements
Unless specified differently above, you will also need a minimum of GCSE grade 4 or C (or an equivalent qualification) in English Language and either Mathematics or a Science subject. Find out more about our entry requirements and the qualifications we accept. We advise that you also check the English Language requirements for your course which may specify a higher GCSE English requirement. Please find the information about this below.
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- We welcome applications from students taking BTECs as long as essential subject requirements are met.
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Year One
Molecules, Cells and Organisms
You'll study this module as the essential foundation for most other modules taught in the School of Life Sciences. You'll gain the basic knowledge you need of molecular and cellular aspects of biology, and also become familiar with whole-organism and developmental biology, in the context of evolution.
Agents of Infectious Disease
You will start by gaining a thorough foundation in microbiology and virology, using infectious diseases as a common link to promote your understanding. Through your study of epidemiology, you will learn to appreciate the way that diseases spread and the methods used to investigate this spread. On completion, you can expect to understand the role of various structures associated with the bacterial cell in causing a range of diseases, and appreciate the structure of viruses and how this relates to their capacity to cause disease and the host response to viral challenge. This will equip you with the necessary theoretical foundations to underpin your future studies.
Physiology and Metabolism
On this module, you will learn how parts of the body function and work together in the whole organism. You will study the physiology of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system and special senses. Your study of metabolism will help you to understand the generation of energy within the body, anabolism, the role of enzymes, and specific functions such as glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, pentose phosphate pathway and photosynthesis. You will then combine your learning to gain a thorough understanding of the way the body adapts to environmental conditions such as altitude, depth, cold and heat.
Quantitative Skills for Biology
All biological scientists need to understand and analyse quantitative data. So, this module will see you learning to use statistical methods for analysing and summarising experimental data (for example, from your lab classes), and learning the basic principles for modelling biological populations.
Tutorials and Laboratories
Chemistry for Biologists - compulsory for entrants without A2 level Chemistry
Year Two
Tutorials and Laboratories
Molecular Cell Biology
On this module, you will gain a sound knowledge of the organisation, complexity and essential processes that occur in the genomes and information-processing mechanisms in all three domains of life. You will study the molecular biology that underlies fundamental cellular processes, including the cytoskeleton in cellular structure, function and motility, the mechanisms that control cell proliferation and genome stability, protein processing in secretory pathway organelles, and programmed cell death in eukaryotic cells.
Blood and Circulation
This module is designed to give you an all-round understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of two linked body systems, blood, the haematological system, and circulation, the cardiovascular system. You will cover the functioning of these systems in both health and disease.
This physiology module provides an overview of neurobiology and includes an introduction to the physiology of the nervous system and detailed analysis of the cell and molecular biology underlying the development and functions of the nervous system.
Neurobiology of Disease
You will learn about the structure and function of the brain and the peripheral nervous system. You will gain an understanding of the neuropathology, anatomy and pathophysiology of diseases involved. You will be taught how physiological processes can be disrupted and the clinical consequences these disruptions cause.
Neuropharmacology is the study of how chemical agents influence bodily functions in both health and disease, and indeed how the body deals with these chemicals. The module will concentrate on the use of drug-based therapeutics in a range of human diseases and will bridge the gap between basic cell signalling, biochemistry and the complex patho-physiology and treatment of the diseases.
Molecular Endocrinology
This module provides you with a foundation for the further study of endocrinology at the cellular and molecular level and a firm basis for understanding normal hormonal control.
Year Three
Tutorials and Research Project
Integrative Neuroscience
By considering the important cellular components of the central nervous system this modules illustrates current knowledge of how these determine and contribute to the integrative function of the nervous system.
Modern Approaches to Human Disease
On this module, you will engage with two major themes in modern medicine: evidence-based medicine and medical ethnics. You will achieve this through in-depth study of the medical specialities of reproductive medicine, renal medicine and central nervous system (CNS) medicine.
Year Four
Research Skills Training
Extended Research Project in Industry
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- Dynamics of Biological Systems
- Immunology
- Oncology
- Biological Clocks
- Synthetic Biology
- Science Communication
- Extreme Environment Biology
- Interdisciplinary and Business modules
- One World Health and Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Introduction to Secondary Teaching in Biology