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What have we updated?

About this page

We will update this page when we make significant changes to course information. This does not necessarily include minor corrections or formatting.

If you ever want to ask us about a change, you can contact us at webeditor at warwick dot ac dot uk.

7th October 2022

We have provided additional information relating to the A level typical offer:

A level typical offer

Previous content:

A*AA. You will also need grade B or grade 6 in English and Mathematics at GCSE.

Revised content:


Please note, A level Accounting and A level Business Studies are considered overlapping subjects.

We have provided additional information relating to:

A level additional information

Previous content:

You will also need grade B or grade 6 in English and Mathematics at GCSE.

We make differential offers to students in a number of circumstances at AAB, plus grade B or grade 6 in English and Mathematics at GCSE.

Revised content:

You will also need grade 6/B in GCSE Mathematics and grade 6/B in GCSE English Language.

IB additional information

Added content:

You will also need grade 6/B in GCSE English Language or International Baccalaureate grade 5 in English A (Higher or Standard Level), grade 5 in Higher Level English B or grade 6 in Standard Level English B.


Previous content:

We welcome applications from students taking BTECs alongside one or two A levels.

You will also need grade B or grade 6 in English and Mathematics at GCSE.

Revised content:

We welcome applications from students taking BTECs alongside one or two A levels.

You will also need grade 6/B in GCSE Mathematics and grade 6/B in GCSE English Language.

16 September 2022

Created new modules and linked them to the page:

  • Economic Principles of Global Sustainable Development: gd104Jan2022 replaced with gd104Sep2022
  • Environmental Principles of Global Sustainable Development: gd105Jan2022 replaced with gd105Sep2022
  • Social Principles of Global Sustainable Development: gd106Jan2022 replaced with gd106Sep2022
  • Global Sustainable Development Project: gd107Jan2022 replaced with gd107Sep2022
  • Health and Sustainable Development: gd204Jan2022 replaced with gd204Sep2022
  • Security, Sovereignty and Sustainability in the Global Food System: gd304Jan2022 with gd304Sep2022
  • Inequalities and Sustainable Development: Inclusion and Dignity for All: gd206Jan2022 replaced with gd206Sep2022
  • GSD Dissertation/Long Project: gd307Jan2022 replaced with gd307Sep2022

1st June 2022

The following information has been updated in 'General Entry Requirements' tab relating to our A level requirements:

Previously stated:

A level typical offer

AAA. You will also need grade B or grade 6 in English and Mathematics at GCSE.

Updated to:

A level typical offer

A*AA. You will also need grade B or grade 6 in English and Mathematics at GCSE.

9th June 2022

The following information has been updated in 'General Entry Requirements' tab relating to our IB requirements:

Previously stated:

IB contextual offer

We welcome applications from candidates who meet the contextual eligibility criteria and whose predicted grades are close to, or slightly below, the contextual offer level. The typical contextual offer is 36. If you do not have a grade B in GCSE Mathematics, you will need a grade 5 in Higher Level Mathematics or 6 in Standard Level Mathematics. See if you're eligible.

Updated to:

IB contextual offer

We welcome applications from candidates who meet the contextual eligibility criteria and whose predicted grades are close to, or slightly below, the contextual offer level. The typical contextual offer is 34. If you do not have a grade B in GCSE Mathematics, you will need a grade 5 in Higher Level Mathematics or 6 in Standard Level Mathematics. See if you're eligible.