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What have we updated?


6th September 2023

We have made changes to this course's modules, in the 'Modules' tab:

Year 1

Previous content:

Criminal Law

You will develop an understanding of the general principles of criminal law and its operation within society, coupled with an awareness of the social and political forces that influence the scope of the law and its enforcement. You will encounter basic concepts of the structure of English Criminal Law, and some knowledge of procedures, theories, and historical and political contexts, so as to understand and debate legal arguments and policy. In your studies, you will be expected to assess and present arguments for and against in open debate and also work collaboratively with your peers on specific tasks.

Read more about the Criminal Law moduleLink opens in a new window, including the methods of teaching and assessment (content applies to 2022/23 year of study).


Tort Law

You will examine the law of civil liability for wrongfully inflicted damage or injury: the law of tort. We emphasise the processes and techniques involved in judicial (as opposed to legislative or administrative) law-making; the relevance and responsiveness of doctrines thus developed to society’s actual problems; and the policies and philosophies underlying the rules. As well as acquiring knowledge of the application of these technical areas of law, you will develop skills of legal reasoning and critical judgement, with particular reference to insurance, loss spreading, developing medical knowledge, professional standards and consumer protection. Work is undertaken independently and in debate and collaboration with your peers.

Read more about the Tort Law moduleLink opens in a new window, including the methods of teaching and assessment (content applies to 2022/23 year of study).

Revised content:

Understanding Law in Context

This foundational module aims to provide students with a sound introduction to the study of Law at Warwick. It explores the meaning of Law in Context as a concept and approach. It will also incorporate an understanding of English legal method within the institutional context of the English Legal System and engage with the importance of legal theory in this regard.

Particular attention is given to considering sources of law, the techniques of reading critically both academic material and legal texts (cases and statutes), understanding legal rhetoric, the role of theory, and how to make an argument and essay writing.

Read more about the Understanding Law in Context moduleLink opens in a new window, including the methods of teaching and assessment (content applies to 2023/24 year of study).

Year 2

In the Law section, we have removed the International Law and Gender and the Law modules and added the Criminal Law and Tort Law modules.

In the Politics and International Studies section, we have also updated the Political Theory from Hobbes: Seeking Freedom and Equality module.

Previous content:

Political Theory from Hobbes: Seeking Freedom and Equality

How should human beings be governed? The thinkers you'll study – from Hobbes to Marx – had very different answers to this question. Building on your understanding of political philosophy, you'll read significant primary and secondary texts to develop your understanding of how political convictions are shaped by the context and history of individual thought and social interaction. You'll confront and assess complex ideas in political theory, and present and defend your point of view, both orally and in writing.

Read more about the Political Theory from Hobbes: Seeking Freedom and Equality moduleLink opens in a new window, including the methods of teaching and assessment (content applies to 2022/23 year of study).

Revised content:

Political Theory

The Politics and International Studies department is making some exciting changes to their curricula for 2024 entry. Modules will undergo approval through the University's rigorous academic processes. As modules are approved, we will update the information on this webpage.

For an example of current political theory content, read more about the Political Theory from Hobbes: Seeking Freedom and EqualityLink opens in a new window module, including the methods of teaching and assessment (content applies to 2023/24 year of study).