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What have we updated?

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We will update this page when we make significant changes to course information. This does not necessarily include minor corrections or formatting.

If you ever want to ask us about a change, you can contact us at webeditor at warwick dot ac dot uk.

23rd August 2023

Changed module description for Theatre and Performance in Context

"This module considers what theatre and performance can tell us about our histories, cultures, societies and identities. You’ll watch, read and study a range of theatre and performance from across historical, cultural and geographical borders, in order to see how it not only reflects society, but also seeks to change and shape it. The module is split into four blocks, considering theatre and gender, race, sexuality and class. This module will help you to hone your academic writing, research and presentation skills, which will serve you throughout your degree."


"In this module students will explore the inter-related disciplines of theatre and performance, considering some of the key conceptual and artistic frameworks that have shaped the fields. Throughout the module students will engage with the sociopolitical and historical contexts that have informed these frameworks and the ways in which theatre and performance not only reflects, but also seeks to change and shape, society. The module therefore aims to:

  • Equip students with a broad understanding of the key issues and theoretical concepts underpinning the study of theatre and performance
  • Investigate how theatre and performance can inform understandings of wider society, including politics, cultures, identities
  • Explore the sociopolitical and cultural contexts in which particular theatre and performance events and practices emerged

Examine how politics and culture intersect with the study of theatre and performance"

20th June 2023

Changed Additional information and answer to interview FAQ

From: Please note, applicants are typically invited to attend Applicant Days. Applicants not living in the UK will be able to attend a Virtual Applicant Day in place of this.

To: Please note, applicants who meet our requirements will be invited to attend an Applicant Day. This is a compulsory part of the selection process and includes a practical workshop, group activity and a discussion with an academic in the department. Applicants not living in the UK, or unable to attend for other reasons, will be invited to a Virtual Applicant Day instead.