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Involving the public/ partners in research

Title: finding your public

On this page

  • IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation
  • Toolkit: how to engage the public and community partners in research
  • Collaboration and Co-Production Fund


As covered in the "What is Engagement" area, there are many types of engagement. The IAP2 spectrum of participation (see below) can help you define what type of public participation you're looking to achieve. It was designed to assist with the selection of the level of participation that defines the public’s role in any public participation process. The Spectrum is used internationally, and it is found in public participation plans around the world.

Spectrum of Public Participation. See PDF copy - linked below

Spectrum of Public Participation - (c) International Association for Public Participation (view as a PDF hereLink opens in a new window)

When you're planning your engagement activity it's useful to consider three areas:

  • Purpose - why do you want to engage? Which of the above methods outlined in the spectrum best fits with your aims?
  • People - Who do you want to engage with? How much influence do you want them to have over the project? You may have people contributing at several different levels. E.g. collaborating with a community group/ charity/ business etc. to inform a separate group of people.
  • Process - how will you engage? What process is most appropriate bearing in mind your aims for the engagement and your audience?

For more information, join our upcoming training session with the NCCPE (National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement):

Support from WIE

How to engage the public and community partners in research

Independent Mind

This toolkit will help you understand how to make the most out of partnership working. Please note you'll need to be logged in to the Warwick website in order to access this resource.

Getting started with partnerships

Warwick Institute of Engagement

What questions should you be talking through when you start a new partnership? How to navigate university systems and support a productive working relationship.

Collaboration and Co-production FundLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window

Warwick Institute of Engagement runs a fund specifically to support staff and students to develop relationships with external collaborators. Awards are for up to £3,000 to develop new, or expand existing relationships. Students should apply in partnership with a staff member.