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Connections: Mahir Gazdar

Mahir Gazdar

(Diploma Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector, 2012)

I have published up to 10 books for different genres including my latest book, which is a memoir about my experiences following a road traffic accident at the age of 6 that broke off a large portion of my skull. It discusses various issues including recovery, mental health, physiotherapy, neurology and more. You can read some sample pages from here:

I also regularly write other articles and short stories and have translated various books that can be seen from here:

I completed my Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector as part of my Teacher Training at the University of Warwick in December 2012. It was a an enjoyable course and soon after, I started a new position as an English Teacher in Saudi Arabia and have taught all over the country since then. I now teach undergraduates essay writing and presentation skills at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, which is one of the top universities in the country located near Bahrain.

Wed 26 Jan 2022, 08:54 | Tags: Connections