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Connections: Simon Nadin

Simon Nadin

BSc Maths and Physics, 1994

I arrived at Warwick in 1989 and immediately joined the Caving Club (my uni choices were based solely on whether there was a good Caving Club). I also joined the Climbing Club, which was one of the major turning points of my life. I graduated in 1994 having been a member of the Climbing Club and Caving (I was President) Club for five years. I spent almost all of my time on the climbing wall, or caving in The Mendips, South Wales , Yorkshire, or climbing in the Peak District, North Wales, Lake District, Cornwall, Scotland, Pembroke, French Alps and Dolomites.

Highlights of my time at Warwick include:

  • Abseiling out of a top floor window of Benefactor's Hall, along with five of my corridor mates.
  • Meeting some amazing people in the Climbing and Caving Clubs, several of whom I am still very close friends with and still see regularly.

My five years at Warwick were the most fun I've ever had, and I don't regret a minute of it. After Warwick I moved to Sheffield purely for the quality rock climbing in the area and then travelled around Britain and Europe, rock climbing full time. I got my first job, aged 27, as Physics Technician at Sheffield High School for Girls. I have now been there for 22 years.

Cheers Warwick, I had an amazing time.

Sun 17 Apr 2022, 15:21