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Week 2: The origins and codification of slavery


Georgia Slave Law 1770


What was the prevailing English attitude toward Africans before 1607? Were the English inherently racist? Why did Africans become enslaved in British America? How and why did the definition of American slavery come about?

Core Reading
Additional Reading
  • Jordan, Winthrop, White man's burden ch 1 & 2
  • Wood, Betty, The Origins of American Slavery

  • Fredrickson, G. M., The black image in the white mind.(ch2-4)

  • Walvin, J. Black and White; the Negro and English society, 1555-1945

  • Starr, Raymond, Race prejudice & the origins of slavery in America

  • Fredrickson, G. M., The arrogance of race

  • Genovese, Eugene, The world the slaveholders made (pt 1, ch 2)

  • Essah, Patience, A house divided: slavery and emancipation in Delaware, 1638-1865
  • Dunn, R.S., 'Servants and Slaves' in Greene & Pole [eds] Colonial British America [1984]

  • Watson, Alan, Slave law in the Americas
  • Morris, Thomas, Southern Slavery and the Law, 1619-1860
  • Schwarz, Philip, Twice Condemned: Slaves and the Criminal Laws of Virginia, 1705-1865
  • Morgan, Philip, 'British Encounters with Africans and African Americans, 1600-1780' in Bernard Bailyn and Philip Morgan (eds), Strangers within the Realm.
  • Durant, Thomas J., ed., Plantation society and race relations : the origins of inequality