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What's happening

  • June 2024, Ukraine Summer School

This summer, the University of Warwick welcomed 20 students from the Ukrainian Catholic University for another two-week summer school, featuring a mix of classes, workshops, and field tripsLink opens in a new window.

  • Thursday 23 May 2024, 2-4pm

Dr Anna Hajkova, Co-Director of the Centre for Global Jewish Studies, has arranged a unique chance to see an otherwise closed Jewish Cemetery in Coventry and a small temporary exhibition on Coventry’s Jewish history currently shown in the Herbert Gallery.

More information about the event can be found on the Centre for Global Jewish Studies website hereLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.

  • Holocaust Memorial Day talk: Zoe Waxman (Oxford), Women’s Bodies as a Site of Genocide
    Wednesday 31 January 2024, 2 - 4pm, OC 1.01, Oculus Building

    Holocaust Memorial Day talk organised in cooperation with the European Research Centre, the Student Union, Chaplaincy, and the Jewish Student Society.

    Thinking about both the women who survived and who did not survive the Holocaust demonstrates that especially under extreme conditions gender continues to operate as an important arbiter of experience. Whilst men and women were both sentenced to the same fate, gender nevertheless operated as a crucial signifier for survival.

    More information

  • 16 January 2024

    Winter History Graduation, 11am Butterworth Hall, Warwick Arts Centre. Followed by celebration drinks reception, 12:30pm in Panorama 1, Rootes Building.

    CHM Research Seminar, Wednesday 31 January 2024, 1 - 3pm, FAB 3.32

    'Martine McCutcheon versus Darren Anderton: Sick Notes, Britain, and the Welfare State’

    Warwick’s Centre for the History of Medicine is delighted to host Dr. Gareth Millward (Syddansk Universitet Denmark) who will speak about work from his new book, Sick Note: A History of the British Welfare State. Lunch (pizza) will be provided.

    Sign up form.

  • June 2023, Ukraine Summer School

In June 2023, the History and English departments hosted a two-week summer school, with funding support from the Institute of Advanced Study. The programme welcomed 20 students from the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv.

To find out what's happening across the Faculty, see the Arts Faculty Events Calendar.

History in Colour