Study abroad
Study abroad in Europe
Students on Study in Europe degrees go abroad on Erasmus exchange in their third year.

La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.
Study in Monash, Australia
Students also have the option of going abroad to Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.
Our student blogger, Rebecca Preedy, has just embarked on her year abroad in Rome. Here's how her first few weeks have been.
Last week we took a day off from stressing and celebrated completing our admin by visiting some sights, such as the Trevi Fountain, Pantheon (a dream!) and the Spanish Steps. We have also had plenty of opportunity to taste the delights of Roman cuisine… ie: pasta, pizza and more pasta… (I’m sure we’ll experience less obvious traditional treats in due course!).
The main thing has of course been the university. Sapienza is colossal, by which I mean it has over 100,000 students and a main campus of over 100 acres… SCARY. The lectures are all in Italian, which has been quite a shock to the system, and all two hours long with no break. Understandably this is taking some getting used to, but so far a lot of the lecturers have been pretty understanding and I’m already starting to get better at taking it all in (I hope!!!).
The university also has an association called ESN (Erasmus Student Network), which is kind of like a society run by students that organises Erasmus events. At the weekend, for example, we went on a coach to Marino wine festival, the oldest wine festival in Italy. This was an experience in itself, and not one I’m likely to forget any time soon! ESN also organise bigger trips, and we have signed up to one for Naples, Pompeii and Capri in a couple of weeks which we are very excited about.
All in all, the first two weeks in Rome has been daunting, and there is a lot I wish I’d known before I arrived. However, it has the makings of a great experience, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it develops!