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Professional Activities

Committees/Research Activities

  • Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Oxford - Hon. Publications Officer, since 1997 - joint series editor with Prof A. Meadows of Oxford Studies in Ancient Documents series (OUP)
  • Member of Faculty of Archaeology, History, and Letters, British School at Rome (Jan 2014-Jul 2024)
  • Papers of the British School at Rome co-editor (2017-2024)
  • Urbana Species (Edizioni Quasar), Comitato scientifico member (2014-)
  • Advisory Committee Member: 'Crossreads: Text, materiality, and multiculturalism at the crossroads of the ancient Mediterranean’ (PI Jonathan Prag), ERC Advanced Grant, 2020-2025
  • British Epigraphy Society, President (Nov 2022-2026)
  • University of Malta, External Evaluator of Research Proposals (2024/25)

External Examining

  • University of Birmingham, Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity, External Examiner, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Ancient History; Ancient History and Archaeology (2008-11)
  • The Dynamics of Civic Euergetism in Spain, Gaul and Africa (D.Phil., Oxford, 2006)
  • Divine justification: Flavian imperial cult (M.Litt., Oxford, 2010/11)
  • Asinius Pollio (PhD, University of Western Australia, 2012)
  • Augustus and the Roman Provinces of Iberia (PhD, Liverpool, 2013)
  • Hope, fear, and conceptions of the future in the early Principate (D.Phil, Oxford 2018)
  • Inscribing domestic space in Pompeii (MA R, Macquarie, 2018)
  • A linguistic analysis of Roman Republican official letters in Greek (PhD, Macquarie, 2019)
  • Roman archetypes: how Augustus used Roman mores and exempla to justify his leading role in Roman society (MA R, Birmingham, 2019)
  • Civic honourability in Western Asia Minor from the late Attalid dynasty to the early Principate, 188 BCE to 98 CE (D.Phil., Oxford, 2021)

Grants and Prizes

  • IAS (Warwick) Visiting Fellowship for Prof. Silvia Orlandi, Feb. 2023
  • Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship (Sept 2020 - Sept 2022)
  • WIHEA (Warwick), Project Lead for WOLC Subject Specific Learning Units (July 2020)
  • IAS (Warwick) Award, 3-D scanning and Roman heritage: a test case in public engagement (2019/20) [jointly with Paul Wilson, WMG]
  • IATL (Warwick) Academic Fellowship, Redesigning Roman Culture and Society module (2019/20)
  • Staff Award 2018 - Public Engagement Team Award, Classics & Ancient History Dept
  • Principal Investigator for AHRC Follow-on Grant, Jan-Dec 2017
  • Warwick Impact Fund, grant to support Ashmolean Museum events, 2015-16, 2016-17
  • Principal Investigator for AHRC Research Project Grant, Oct 2013-Sep 2016
  • Humanities Research Fund (Warwick) Conference Grant, BSR conference 'Landscapes of Campania' May 2014
  • IAS (Warwick) Public Engagement Award (Jan 2014) 'Teaching with ancient artefacts: an introduction for secondary-school teachers to interdisciplinary approaches to ancient visual and material culture, showcasing recent Warwick research' - to help fund JACT INSET Day 22nd Nov. 2014 in the Ashmolean Museum
  • IATL (Warwick) Pedagogic Intervention Grant (May 2013), ‘Students as Researchers at the British Museum’
  • IAS (Warwick) Visiting Fellowship for Prof. John Bodel, May 2012
  • AHRC Research Leave, 2010
  • Humanities Research Fund + North America Fund (Warwick), Conference travel, ‘Globalizing the History of Historical Writing’ – Edmonton (2008)
  • British Academy, Overseas Conference Grant, Numen Adsit - Yale (2003)