Mairi Gkikaki
Honorary Research Fellow

Research interests
Mairi is a team member of the project Token Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean and is preparing a monograph focusing on the tokens of Hellenistic and Roman Athens and the political, economic, religious, cultural and social roles that these tokens played.
- BA; MA (Athens)
- PhD (Würzburg)
Selected Publications
Edited Volumes
- Tokens in Classical Athens and Beyond, Liverpool University Press: Studies in Ancient History 2023
- Tokens. Culture, Connections, Communities. Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication no. 57 (co-edited with Antonino Crisa and Clare Rowan) 2019
- Symbola. Athenian tokens from the Classical to the Roman Period, Liverpool University Press (2023)
- Die weiblichen Frisuren auf den Münzen und in der Großplastik zur Zeit der Klassik und des Hellenismus. Reihe Internationale Archäologie Band 126, Marie Leidorf Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-89646-540-5
- ‘Tokens of Roman Imperial Athens: The Power of Cultural Memory’, in Z. Newby (ed.) The Material Dynamics of Festivals in the Graeco-Roman East, Oxford University Press. Studies in Ancient Documents (2023).
- ‘Symbola and the Council of Five Hundred in Classical Athens’, in Tokens in Classical Athens and Beyond. Liverpool University Press: Studies in Ancient History 2023.
- ‘Athenian Lead Tokens: The Alexandros N. Meletopoulos Collection’, The Numismatic Chronicle 182 (2022) 87-118.
- ‘Some thoughts on Individuality in the Representations of Ptolemaic Queens’, Numismatica e Antiquità Classiche Quaderni Tichinesi 50 (2021) 69-85.
- ‘Tokens for Festivals in Hellenistic Athens’, in A. Crisà (ed.), Tokens, Value and Identity. Exploring Monetiform Objects in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Travaux du Cercle d’Études Numismatiques 22, Bruxelles: European Centre for Numismatic Studies 2021, 57-75
- ‘The Seleucids’ Aegis on the Acropolis South Wall’, in K. Kopanias and G. Doulfis (eds.), Technis Empiria. Edited volume in Honor of Professor Gerogia Kokkorou-Alevra - Τέχνης Εμπειρία. Τιμητικός Τόμος για την καθηγήτρια Γεωργία Κοκκορού-Αλευρά, Athens 2020, 227-237.
- 'Some New Cast Bronze Coins from Selinus in Würzburg', Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau 96, 2017-2018, 5-15.
- 'Das Amphiglyphon der Akademie', Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung 133 (2018), 127-145.
- 'The unnamed Goddess of the Achaian Koinon Stater’ in P. Marchetti - E. Apostolou (eds.), Coins in the Peloponnese. Mints, Iconography, Circulation, History. Supplement au BCH - Obolos (2018).
- 'Ancient Greek Coin Hoards: Insights into the History of Euboia’, Z. Tankosic - F. Mavridis - M. Kosma, in Euboia - An Island between two worlds. The Norwegian Institute at Athens (2017), 421-430.
- ‘The earliest coin series of Thyateira: precursor to the quasi municipal Seleucid Coinage’ Nomismatika Khronika 34 (2016).
- 'Attische Grabstele mit Dexiosis’, NumAntCl 44 (2015) 71-79.
- ‘Coins of the Late Roman Necropolis at Plakes, Sounion’, Praktiká IE' Epistīmonikī́s Synántīsīs N.A. Attikī́s : Kalývia Thorikoú Attikī́s, 17-20 Oktōvríou 2013 (Kalyvia: Etaireía Meletṓn Notioanatolikī́s Attikī́s 2015), 533-547.
- ‘Numismatic Approaches to Jewelry of the 4th century BC’ NumAntCl 42 (2013) 43-55.
Video about current research