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Dr. Paul Grigsby

Dr GrigsbyResearch Fellow in Outreach and Impact

Widening Participation Dept Lead, Warwick Classics Network, Recruitment and Outreach Sub-Committee, WIE Fellow, Warwick Award Academic Advisory Group

Email: Paul dot Grigsby at warwick dot ac dot uk

2.10 Faculty of Arts Building, University Road
University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL
Office Hours tbc.


Paul studied for a BA in Classical and Archaeological Studies at the University of Kent, before moving to the University of Warwick to complete his Masters by Research and PhD in Classics. His research interests centre on Greek religion and cultural identity, with an especial interest in the region of Boeotia. His thesis considered Boeotian cultural identity as reflected through their festivals and agonistic (competitive) contests from the 7th century BC through to the 4th century AD.

Since May 2018, Paul has been a Research Fellow in Outreach and Impact here at the University of Warwick, where he runs the Warwick Classics Network [WCN]. He is currently running the project Roman Coventry with local Coventry schools, developing teaching resources that will bring Roman Coventry and Warwickshire alive to every school child in Coventry, and is working on a project on the South Warwickshire Silver Denarii Coin Hoards with Warwickshire Museums.

Paul is heavily involved with providing student experience in the Department. He supervises numerous student URSS projects every year, and supervises an amazing team of student Outreach Assistants who run projects and lead sessions on Classics at local schools and on-campus events. Recent projects have included the creation of a Roman Cookery workshop. In July 2022 Paul was awarded a Warwick Award for Public and Community Engagement for his public engagement work for the Dept - Awards 2022 (


Paul will be teaching the module Public Engagement in Classics and Ancient History (CX276/376) in 2024/2025, and also providing some sessional teaching for the MAT in Approaching Ancient Visual and Material Culture (CX 901-30)

In other years Paul also teaches the module Greek Religion (CX262-30/CX362-30).

The Warwick Classics Network

Launched in 2018 by Prof. Michael Scott, the work of the WCN is supported through the generous help of the A. G. Leventis Foundation, Graham and Joanna Barker, and the charity Classics for All. It’s main aims are:

  • To provide teachers of classical subjects with resources, advice, and an active support network. The WCN website with its teaching resource section STOA is an integral part of this support.
  • To promote the teaching of Classics in schools not currently offering Classical subjects on their curriculum. Working alongside Classics for All, for which the WCN acts as one of its regional hubs, the WCN provides information on training and funding available for introducing classics. The WCN are currently helping to introduce classics in schools in Coventry and Rugby.
  • To promote the research undertaken by Warwick academics to a wider audience. Through public events and the creation of specialised online resources, the WCN are dedicated to bringing the work of Warwick Classics to the wider world.

Since its creation the WCN website with its teacher resources has been visited over one million times.

Research interests

Paul is interested in Greek religion, mythology, and festivals. He has a particular interest in the region of Boeotia and in the formation of Boeotian identity through common cults and festivals. He has recently been examining the cults and festivals of the Archaic period in Boeotia, and the actions of the Artists of Dionysus in Boeotia under Roman rule, and is now embarked on an examination of prehistoric and Roman Warwickshire for his Roman Coventry Project.

Selected Publications

'The Artists of Dionysus and the Festivals of Boiotia', in Newby,The material dynamics of festivals in the Graeco-Roman East - Oxford studies in ancient documents, 2023


  • BSc. (Hons) in Zoology, University of Wales, Swansea
  • BA (Hons) in Classical and Archaeological Studies, University of Kent, Canterbury
  • MA by Research, University of Warwick
  • PhD, University of Warwick

Student Drop-in Hours

Week 3

Wed 12-1pm

Fri 1-2pm


warwick classics network