My interests lie in the textual transmission, translation and interpretation of ancient medical texts. Since 1999, I have been working on Galen, Pseudo-Galenic texts, medical rhetoric and pharmacology. On occasion, I also contribute studies on the reception of medical texts from late antiquity to the Renaissance. I have also studied ancient theories of rhetoric and Hermogenes’ spurious Progymnasmata (with Prof. Mike Edwards). My doctoral thesis (published in 2009, see below) has won me two national awards (Prix Lantier 2010; Prix Raymond Weil 2010) and international recognition.
As a Wellcome Trust University Award Holder (2013-2018), I now run a project on ‘Medical Prognosis in Late Antiquity’. It involves the first critical edition of five texts from the Galenic corpus devoted to various aspects of diagnostic and prognostic, and a monograph on medical prognostic in late antiquity.
For more information on my past and present work, see my website and blog