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Stannard, Clive. “A Report on Preliminary Excavations in Tarzan’s Cave, Simonstown.” The South African Archaelogical Bulletin XX, no. 78, part 2 (June) (1965): 91-93.

Stannard, Clive. “Two-Headed and Two-Tailed Denarii in the Roman Republic.” Numismatic Chronicle 147 (1987): 160-163.

Stannard, Clive. “The Adjustment Al Marco of the Weight of Roman Republican Denarii Blanks by Gouging.” In Metallurgy in Numismatics 3, edited by M.M. Archibald & M.R. Cowell, 45-70. London, 1993.

Stannard, Clive. “Iconographic Parallels between the Local Coinages of Central Italy and Baetica in the First Century BC.” Acta Numismatica 25, no. July (1995): 44-97.

Stannard, Clive. “Overstrikes and Imitative Coinages in Central Italy in the Late Republic.” In Coins of Macedonia and Rome. Essays in Honour of Charles Hersh, edited by Andrew Burnett, Ute Wartenberg and Richard B. Witschonke, 210–229 and pl. 31–34. London: Spink, 1998.

Stannard, Clive. “Numismatic Evidence for Relations between Spain and Central Italy at the Turn of the First and Second Centuries BC.” Revue Suisse de Numismatique 84 (2005): 47-79.

Stannard, Clive. “The Monetary Stock at Pompeii at the Turn of the Second and First Centuries BC: Pseudo-Ebusus and Pseudo-Massalia.” In Nuove Ricerche a Pompei ed Ercolano, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Roma 28-30 Novembre 2002. Studi della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei No. 10, edited by Pietro Giovanni Guzzo and Maria Paola Guidobaldi, 120-143. Pompeii, 2005.

Stannard, Clive. The Local Coinages of Central Italy in the Late Roman Republic: Provisional Catalogue, October 2007. Rome: Photostat, 2007.

Stannard, Clive, and Suzanne Frey-Kupper. “‘Pseudomints’ and Small Change in Italy and Sicily in the Late Republic.” American Journal of Numismatics Second series, 20 (2008): 351-404.

Stannard, Clive, and António Marques de Faria. “M·OCT IIIVIR at Paestum, Not P·MION IIIIVIR at Carteia: The Intellectual History of a Misattribution.” Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau 88 (2009): 81–100.

Frey-Kupper, Suzanne, and Clive Stannard. “Les Imitations Pseudo-Ebusus/Massalia en Italie Centrale : Typologie et Structure, Présence dans les Collections et dans les Trouvailles de France.” Revue numismatique (2010): 109–147.

Stannard, Clive. “Evaluating the Monetary Supply: Were Dies Reproduced Mechanically in Antiquity? In Quantifying Monetary Supplies in Greco-Roman Times, edited by François de Callataÿ. Pragmateiai, 59-79. Bari: Edipuglia, 2011.

Stannard, Clive, and Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert. “Dies, Hubs, Forgeries and the Athenian Decadrachm.” Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau 90 (2011): 5-32.

Stannard, Clive, and Giacomo Pardini. “A New Coin of the Pompeian Pseudo-Mint muling Ebusus and Athens.” AIIN 57 (2011): 53-65.

Ribera i Lacomba, Albert V., Juan V. Salavert León, and Clive Stannard. “La Moneda en La Casa de Ariadna (VII,4,51-31) de Pompeya. El Contexto Arqueológico de las Monedas de Ebusus y de las Series Imitativas de la Pseudo-Ceca de Pompeya.” In Ebusus y Pompeya, Ciudades Marítimas. Testimonios Monetales de una Relación, edited by Alicia Arévalo González, Darío Bernal Casasola and Daniela Cottica, 181–204. Cádiz: University of Cadiz, 2013.

Stannard, Clive. “Quartered and Counter-Marked Republican Asses, and the Central Italian Italo-Baetican Assemblage.” In Essays in Honour of Roberto Russo, edited by Richard B. Witschonke and Peter G. van Alfen, 365–376. Zurich/London, 2013.

Stannard, Clive. “Monete dallo Scavo Stratigrafico della Casa i Amarantus I. 9. 11-12.” In Pompei. Rinvenimenti Monetali nella Regio I. Studi e Materiali 16, edited by Teresa Giove, 377–387. Rome: Istituto Italiano di Numismatico, 2013.

Stannard, Clive. “Are Ebusan and Pseudo-Ebusan Coin at Pompeii a Sign of Intensive Contacts with the Island of Ebusus?”. In Ebusus y Pompeya, Ciudades Marítimas. Testimonios Monetales de una Relación, edited by Alicia Arévalo González, Darío Bernal Casasola and Daniela Cottica, 125–155. Cádiz: University of Cádiz, 2013.

Stannard, Clive, and Federico Carbone. “Pseudo-Mints Again: A Die-Study.” In La Numismatique pour Passion. Études d’histoire Monétaires Offertes à Suzanne Frey-Kupper par Quelques-Uns de ses Amis à L’occasion de son Anniversaire 2013, edited by Simon Frey, 255–302. Lausanne: Éditions du Zèbre (Études de numismatique et d’histoire monétaire 9), 2013.

Stannard, Clive, and Alejandro G. Sinner. “A Central Italian ‘Dionysus / Panther’ Coin from Cabrera De Mar (El Maresme, Barcelona), and Contacts between Central Italy and Catalonia in the 2nd and 1st Centuries Bc.” Saguntum 46 (2014): 159–180.

Stannard, Clive. “The Labours of Hercules on Central Italian Coins and Tesserae of the 1st Century BC.” In Fides. Contributions to Numismatics in Honor of Rick Witschonke, edited by Michel Amandry, Gilles Bransbourg and Peter van Alfen, 357–386. New York, 2015.

Stannard, Clive. “Shipping Tesserae from Ostia and Minturnae? Numismatic Chronicle 175 (2015): 147–154.

Stannard, Clive, Gisèle Gentric, Jean-Albert Chevillon, and Jean-Claude Richard Ralite. “Coins of the Pompeian Pseudomint and of the Italo-Baetican Series from Southern France.” American Journal of Numismatics 27 (2015): 179–188.

Stannard, Clive, and Samuele Ranucci. “Late Cyrenaican Bronze Coin in Central Italy.” In Le Monete di Cirene e Della Cirenaica nel Mediterraneo. Problemi e Prospettive, edited by Michele Asolati. Numismatica Patavina 13, 157–190. Padova, 2016.

Stannard, Clive, and Alejandro G. Sinner. “Central Italian Coins with “Dionysus / Panther” Types from Hispania Ulterior.” Saguntum 48 (2016): 205–206.

Stannard, Clive, Alejandro G. Sinner, Noemi Moncunill Martí, and Joan Ferrer i Jané. “A Plomo Monetiforme from the Iberian Settlement of Cerro Lucena (Enguera, Valencia) with a North-Eastern Iberian Legend, and the Italo-Baetican Series.” Journal of Archaeological Numismatics 7 (2017): 59–106.

Chevillon, Jean-Albert, Clive Stannard, and Pascal Schlegel. “Les Petits Bronzes au Taureau Passant de Marseille : Nouvelles Avancées.” Annales du Club Numismatique Nîmois 2017 4 (2018): 45–53.

Frey-Kupper, Suzanne, and Clive Stannard. “Evidence for the Importation and Monetary Use of Blocks of Foreign and Obsolete Bronze Coins in the Ancient World.” In Infrastructure and Distribution in Ancient Economies. Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna in October 2014, edited by Bernhard Woytek. Denkschriften Der Phil.-Hist. Klasse Der Österreichischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften, 283–354. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2018.

Stannard, Clive. “‘Chopped’ Neapolitan Bronze Coins at Minturnae, Overstrikes with Roman Types, and the Coin Stock in Southern Latium and Northern Campania about 200 BC.” Numismatic Chronicle (2018): 99–106.

Stannard, Clive. “The Crisis of Small Change in Central Italy of the Second and First Centuries BC, and the Function of Overstriking.” Revue belge de Numismatique et de Sillographie CLXIV (2018): 97–170.

Stannard, Clive, Jean-Albert Chevillon, and Alejandro G. Sinner. “More Coins of the Pompeian Pseudomint from France.” American Journal of Numismatics 30 (2018): 117–130.

Frey-Kupper, Susanne, and Clive Stannard. “Identifying, Documenting and Understanding the Transfer of Blocks of Minor Foreign and Obsolete Coins in Antiquity, for Use as Money: A Note on Methodology.” In Contexts and the Contextualization of Coin Finds. Proceedings of the Sixth International Colloquium of the Swiss Group for the Study of Coin Finds (Geneva, March 5th–7th 2010), edited by Suzanne Suzanne Frey-Kupper, Clive Stannard and Nathalie Wolfe-Jacot. Studies in Numismatics and Monetary History 8, 155–212. Lausanne: Éditions du Zébre, 2019.

Stannard, Clive. “The Purse-Hoard from the Republican Bathhouse at Regio VIII 5.36 in Pompeii.” Numismatic Chronicle 179 (2019): 109–122.

Stannard, Clive, Alejandro G. Sinner, and Marco Ferrante. “Trade between Minturnae and Hispania in the Late Republic. A Comparative Isotopic Analysis of the Minturnaean Lead Issues and the Spanish Plomos Monetiformes of the Italo-Baetican Series, and Numismatic and Epigraphic Evidence of the Trade.” Numismatic Chronicle 179 (2019): 123–172.

Stannard, Clive. “Apollo and the Little Man with the Strigils.” In Studies in Roman and Celtic Numismatics in Honour of Johan Van Heesch, edited by Fran Stroobants, Christian Lauwers, François de Callataÿ and Raf van Laere. Travaux du Cercle d'Études Numismatiques, 95–124. Brussels, 2020.

Stannard, Clive. “Small Change in Campania, from the Fourth to the First Century Bc, and the Newly Discovered Second Punic War Roman Mint of Minturnae.” In Merchants, Measures and Money. Understanding Technologies of Early Trade in a Comparative Perspective. Weight and Value, 2, edited by Lorenz Rahmstorf, Gojko Berjamovic and Nicola Ialongo, 261–287. Kiel, Hamburg: Wachholz Verlag, 2021.

Stannard, Clive, and Jean-Albert Chevillon. “Le Attività Vitivinicole di Minturnae e di Pompeii alla luce delle monete di Massalia dal fiume Garigliano a Minturnae, e un medio bronzo di Massalia con un simbolo inedito (tridente).” Rivista Italiana di Numismatica CXXII (2021): 219–234.

Stannard, Clive, Alejandro G. Sinner, Bartolomé Mora Serrano, and Gian Luca Gregori. “Trade between Minturnae and Hispania in the Late Republic (2). The Mines and Societates of Southern Hispania.” Numismatic Chronicle 181 (2021 2021): 53–92 and pl. 13–20.