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Alexander the Great - further reading

Autumn Term 2011

Lecture 1: introduction

Adams W.L., Borza E.N. (eds) (1982) Philip II, Alexander the Great, and the Macedonian heritage. Lanham, London.

Borza E.N. (1990) In the Shadow of Olympus: The Emergence of Macedon. Princeton

Hammond N.G.L. (1989) The Macedonian State: Origins, Institutions and History. Oxford.

Hammond N.G.L., Griffith G.T. (1979) A History of Macedonia II (550-336 BC). Oxford.

Hammond N.G.L., Walbank F.W. (1988) A History of Macedonia III (336-167 BC). Oxford.

Hatzopoulos M.B. (ed.) (1994) Macedonia: from Philip II to the Roman conquest. Princeton.

Lane Fox R. (ed.) (2011) Brill's companion to ancient Macedon: studies in the archaeology and history of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD. Leiden.

Rhodes P.J. (2006) A history of the classical Greek world: 478-323 B.C.

@Roisman J., Worthington I. (eds) (2010) A Companion to Ancient Macedonia. Chichester.

Zahrnt M. (2009) 'The Macedonian Background', in W. Heckel, L.A. Tritle (eds), Alexander the Great: a new history. Chichester, Malden, chapter 1.


Lectures 2 and 3: Macedonian Background

  • Mythology

Ogden D. (2011) Alexander the Great. Myth, Genesis and Sexuality. Exeter, chapter 3.

  • Macedonian speech

Bosworth A.B. (1978) 'Eumenes, Neoptolemus and PSI xii 1284', Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 19, p. 227-37.

@Crossland R.A. (1982) 'The Language of the Macedonians', CAH III.1 p. 843-7.

@Hammond N.G.L. (1994) 'Literary Evidence for Macedonian Speech', Historia 43, p. 131–142.

  • Palaces

Kottaridi A. (2011) 'The palace of Philip II in Aegae', in Heracles to Alexander, p. 233ff.

Kottaridi A. (2011) 'The palace of Aegae', in R. Lane Fox (ed.) (2011) Brill's companion to Ancient Macedon: studies in the archaeology and history of Macedon, 650 BC - 300 AD. Leiden, p. 297-333.

Nielsen I. (1994) Hellenistic Palaces. Tradition and Renewal. Aarhus.

  • Tombs

Andronikos M. (1979) 'The Finds from the Royal Tombs at Vergina', Proceedings of the British Academy 65, p. 355-67.

Andronikos M. (1980) 'The Royal Tombs at Vergina: A Brief Account of the Excavation, in The Search for Alexander: An Exhibition, p. 26-38.

Andronicos M. (1991) Vergina: the Royal Tombs and the Ancient City. Athens.

Borza E.N., Palagia O. (2007) 'The Chronology of the Royal Macedonian Tombs at Vergina', JdI 122, p. 81-125 (with rich bibliography).

Carney E.D. (1991) 'The Female Burial in the Antechamber of Tomb II at Vergina', AncW 22, p. 17-26.

Green P. (1982) 'The Royal Tombs at Vergina: A Historical Analysis', in W.L. Adams, E.N. Borza (eds) Philip II, Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Heritage, p. 129-151.

Hammond N.G.L. (1982) 'The Evidence for the Identity of the Royal Tombs at Vergina', in W.L. Adams, E.N. Borza (eds) Philip II, Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Heritage. Washington DC, p. 111-127.

Kottaridi A. (2011) 'Burial customs and beliefs in the royal necropolis of Aegae', in Heracles to Alexander the Great. Treasures from the Royal Capital of Macedon, a Hellenic Kingdom in the Age of Democracy. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, p. 131ff.

Lane Fox R. (2011) 'Introduction: Dating the Royal Tombs at Vergina', in R. Lane Fox (ed.) (2011) Brill's companion to Ancient Macedon: studies in the archaeology and history of Macedon, 650 BC - 300 AD. Leiden, p. 1-34.

Tsibidou-Avloniti (2002) 'Excavating a painted Macedonian tomb near Thessaloniki. An astonishing discovery', in M. Stamatopoulou, M. Yeroulanou, Excavating Classical Culture. Recent Archaeological Discoveries in Greece. Oxford, p. 91-97.


Lecture 4: Philip II

  • General

Anson E. (2009) 'Philip II, Amyntas Perdicca, and Macedonian Royal Succession', Historia 58, p. 276-286.

Billows R.A. (1995) Kings and Colonists. Aspects of Macedonian Imperialism. Leiden, New York, Cologne.

Buckler J. (2009) Philip II and the Sacred War. Leiden.

Hammond N.G.L., Griffith G.T. (1988) A History of Macedonia II, part two, The Reign of Philip the Second (p. 203-698).

Hammond N.G.L. (1994) Philip of Macedon. London.

Lane Fox R. (2011) 'The 360's', in R. Lane Fox (ed.) Brill's companion to Ancient Macedon: studies in the archaeology and history of Macedon, 650 BC - 300 AD. Leiden, p. 257-269.

Lane Fox R. (2011) 'Philip of Macedon: Accession, Ambitions, and Self-Presentation', in in R. Lane Fox (ed.) Brill's companion to Ancient Macedon: studies in the archaeology and history of Macedon, 650 BC - 300 AD. Leiden, p. 335-366.

Lane Fox R. (2011) 'Philip's and Alexander's Macedon', in R. Lane Fox (ed.) Brill's companion to Ancient Macedon: studies in the archaeology and history of Macedon, 650 BC - 300 AD. Leiden, p. 367-391.

@Müller S. (2010) 'Philip II', in J. Roisman, I. Worthington (eds), A Companion to Ancient Macedonia. Chichester. Chapter 9.

Worthington I. (2008) Philip II of Macedonia. Yale University Press.

  • Coinage

Le Rider G. (1977) Le monnayage d'argent et d'or de Philippe II frappé en Macédoine de 359 à 294. Bourgey.

Le Rider G. (1996) Monnayage et finances de Philippe II: un état de la question. Athens.

  • Army

@Brunt P.A. (1976) 'Anaximenes and King Alexander I', JHS 96, p. 151-3.

Hammond N.G.L., Griffith G.T. (1988) A History of Macedonia II, chapter XII (Philip and the Army) and Appendix 3 (The pezhetairoi).

@Markle M.M. (1977) 'The Macedonian Sarissa, Spear and Related Armor', AJA 81, p. 323-9.

@Markle M.M. (1978) 'Use of the Sarissa by Philip and Alexander of Macedon', AJA 82, p. 483-497.

@Sekunda N. (2010) 'The Macedonian Army' in J. Roisman, I. Worthington (eds), A Companion to Ancient Macedonia. Chichester, chapter 22.

  • Polygamy at the Royal Court

Carney E. (2000) Women and Monarchy in Macedonia (Chapter 3: Royal Women and Philip II) (googlebook)

@Ogden D. (2011) 'The Royal Families of Argead Macedon and the Hellenistic World', in B. Rawson (ed.), A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman World. Chichester. Chapter 5 (p. 92-107).

Ogden D. (2011) Alexander the Great. Myth, Genesis and Sexuality. Exeter, chapter 5.

@Tronson A. (1984) 'Satyrus the Peripatetic and the Marriages of Philip II', JHS 104, p. 116-126.


Lecture 5: Philip II, Olympias and Alexander

  • Alexander's childhood

@Hamilton J.R. (1965) 'Alexander's Early Life', G&R 12, p. 117-124.

  • Alexander and Philip

@Fredricksmeyer E.A. (1990) 'Alexander and Philip: Emulation and Resentment', Classical Journal 85, p. 300-315.

  • Olympias

Carney E.D. (1994) 'Olympias, Adea Eurydice, and the End of the Argead Dynasty', in I. Worthington (ed.), Ventures into Greek History. Oxford, p. 357-380.

@Carney E.D. (2006) Olympias: mother of Alexander the Great. London

Carney E.D. (2009) 'Alexander and his "Terrible Mother"', in W. Heckel, L.A. Tritle (eds), Alexander the Great: a new history. Chichester, Malden.

  • Death of Philip

@Badian E. (1963) 'The Death of Philip II', Phoenix 17, p. 244-250.

@Bosworth A.B. (1971) 'Philip II and Upper Macedonia', CQ 21, p. 93-105.

@Carney E. (1992) 'The Politics of Polygamy: Olympias, Alexander and the Murder of Philip', Historia 41, p. 169-89.

Develin K. (1981) 'The Murder of Philip II', Antichthon 15, p. 86-99.

Fears J.R. (1975) 'Pausanias, the assassin of Philip II', Athenaeum 53, p. 111-135.

Hammond N.G.L., Griffith G.T. (1988) A History of Macedonia II, chapter 21, Decline and Fall (337-336).


Lecture 6: Macedon and Greece

Adams W.L. (1999) 'Philip II, the League of Corinth and the Governance of Greece', Ancient Macedonia (= Archaia Macedonia) 6, p. 15-22.

Bosworth A.B. (1989) Conquest and Empire. The Reign of Alexander the Great. Cambridge, p. 187-204.

Buckler J. (1996) 'Philip's Designs on Greece', in R.W. Wallace, E.M. Harris (eds), Transitions to empire: essays in Greco-Roman history, 360-146 B.C. in honor of E. Badian. University of Oklahoma press.

@Cawkwell G. (1961) 'A Note on Ps.Demosthenes 17.20', Phoenix 15, p. 74-78.

Ehrenberg V. (1938) Alexander and the Greeks. Oxford.

@Flower M. (2000) 'Alexander and Panhellenism', in A.B. Bosworth, E.J. Baynham (eds), Alexander the Great in fact and fiction. Oxford, p. 96-135.

@Hammond N.G.L., Griffith G.T. (1988) A History of Macedonia II, p. 604-46.

Hatzopoulos M.B. (2011) 'Macedonians and other Greeks', in R. Lane Fox (ed.) (2011) Brill's companion to Ancient Macedon: studies in the archaeology and history of Macedon, 650 BC - 300 AD. Leiden, p. 51-78.

Phillips D.D. (2004) Athenian political oratory. New York, London. Part II: Philip and Athens.

@Perlman S. (1985) 'Greek diplomatic Tradition and the Corinthian League of Philip of Macedon', Historia 34, p. 153-174.

@Poddighe E. (2009) 'Alexander and the Greeks. The Corinthian League', in W. Heckel, L.A. Tritle (eds), Alexander the Great: a new history. Chichester, Malden, p. 99-120.

@Ryder T. T.B. (2000) 'Demosthenes and Philip II', in I. Worthington (ed)., Demosthenes: Statesman and Orator. London, p. 45-89.


Lectures 7 and 8: Sources

For editions of texts, sourcebooks and general source criticism, see Bibliography.

  • Arrian

Badian E. (1975) 'Nearchus the Cretan', YCS 24, p. 147-70.

@Brunt's discussion of Arrian's sources in his introduction of the Loeb edition.

Bosworth A.B. (1976) 'Arrian and the Alexander Vulgate', Entretiens Fondation Hardt, p. 1-46.

@Bosworth A.B. (1976) 'Errors in Arrian', The Classical Quarterly 26, p. 117-139.

Bosworth A.B. (1980-1995) A Historical Commentary on Arrian's History of Alexander I, books i-iii. Vol. II, books iv-v.

Bosworth A.B. (1988) From Arrian to Alexander. Oxford.

Shepens G. (1971) 'Arrian's view of his task as Alexander-historian', Ancient Society 2, p. 254-268.

Stadter P.A. (1980) Arrian of Nicomedia. Chapel Hill.

@Syme R. (1982) 'The Career of Arrian', HSCP 86, p. 181ff.

  • Plutarch

Hamilton J.R. (1969) Plutarch Alexander: a Commentary. Oxford.

Visit Chaironeia: Plutarch's home on the web

  • Diodorus Siculus

McQueen E.I. (1995) Diodorus Siculus: the reign of Philip II. The Greek and Macedonian narrative from book XVI: a companion. Bristol.

Sacks K.S. (1994) 'Diodorus and his Sources: Conformity and Creativity', in S. Hornblower (ed.), Greek Historiography. Oxford, p. 213-232.

  • Curtius

Atkinson J.E. (1980-1994) A Commentary on Q. Curtius Rufus' Historiae Alexandri Magni. Amsterdam.

Baynham E. (1998) Alexander the Great: the unique history of Quintus Curtius. Ann Arbor.

Gunderson L. (1982) 'Quintus Curtius Rufus: On his Historical Methods in the Historiae Alexandri', in W.L. Adams, E.N. Borza (eds) Philip II, Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Heritage, p. 177-96.

  • Ptolemy

FGrH 138

@Errington R.M. (1966) 'Bias in Ptolemy's History of Alexander', CQ 19, p. 233-242.

Pearson L. (1960) The Lost Histories of Alexander the Great. New York, chapter VII.

@Roisman J. (1971) 'Ptolemy and his rivals in his history of Alexander the Great', CQ 34, p. 373-85.

Welles C. (1963) 'The Reliability of Ptolemy as an Historian', in Miscellanea di studi alessandrini in memoria di Augusto Rostagni. Turin, p. 101 ff.

  • Aristobulus

FGrH 139

Bosworth A.B. (1988) From Arrian to Alexander. Oxford, p. 44-60.

@Brunt P. A. (1974) 'Notes on Aristobulus of Cassandria', CQ 24, p. 65-69.

@Hamilton J.R. (1961) 'Cleitarchus and Aristobulus', Historia 4, p. 448-458.

Pearson L. (1952) 'Aristobulus the Phocian', American Journal of Philology 73, p. 71-75.

Pearson L. (1960) The Lost Histories of Alexander the Great. New York, chapter VI.

  • Cleitarchus

FGrH 137

Badian E. (1965) 'The Date of Clitarchus', Proc. of the African Classical Association 8, p. 5-11.

Bosworth A.B. (1988) From Arrian to Alexander. Oxford. Chapter 4.

@Hamilton J.R. (1961) 'Cleitarchus and Aristobulus', Historia 10, p. 448-458.

Hamilton J.R. (1977) 'Cleitarchus and Diodorus 17', in K.H. Kinzl (ed.) Greece and the eastern Mediterranean in ancient history and prehistory: studies presented to Fritz Schachermeyr on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, p. 126-46.

Parker V. (2009) 'Source-Critical Reflections on Cleitarchus' Work', in P. Wheatley, R. Hannah (ed.), Alexander & His Successors: Essays from the Antipodes. Claremont, CA.

Pearson L. (1960) The Lost Histories of Alexander the Great. New York, chapter VIII.

  • Callisthenes

FGrH 124

Devine A.M. (1994) 'Alexander’s Propaganda Machine: Callisthenes as the Ultimate Source for Arrian, Anabasis 1-3', in I. Worthington (ed.), Ventures into Greek History. Oxford, p. 89-104.

Pearson L. (1960) The Lost Histories of Alexander the Great. New York, chapter II.

  • Chares of Mytilene

Bickerman E. (1963) 'A propos d'un passage de Charès de Mitylène', La Parola del Passato 18, p. 241-255.

Pearson L. (1960) The Lost Histories of Alexander the Great. New York, chapter III (i).

  • Letters

@Hamilton J.R. (1953) 'Alexander and His 'So-Called' Father', CQ 3, p. 151-157.

@Hamilton J.R. (1955) 'Three Passages in Arrian', CQ 5, 217-221.

Hamilton J.R. (1961) 'The letters in Plutarch's Alexander', Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 4, p. 9-20.

@Hammond N.G.L. (1993) 'Alexander's Letter concerning Samos in Plut. "Alex." 28.2', Historia 42, p. 379-382.

@Pearson L. (1955) 'The Diary and the Letters of Alexander the Great', Historia 4, p. 429-455.

  • Ephemerides, diaries

FGrH 117

@Bosworth A.B. (1971) 'The Death of Alexander the Great: Rumour and Propaganda', CQ 21, p. 112-136 (partic. p. 117-123).

Bosworth A.B. (1988) From Arrian to Alexander. Oxford, chapter 7.

@Hammond N.G.L. (1988) 'The Royal Journal of Alexander', Historia 37, p. 129-50.

Pearson L. (1960) The Lost Histories of Alexander the Great. New York.

  • Speeches

Bosworth A.B. (1988) From Arrian to Alexander. Oxford, chapter 5.

@Hammond N.G.L. (1999) 'The Speeches in Arrian's Anabasis and Indica', CQ 49, p. 238-53.

  • Persian, Babylonian documents

@Kuhrt A. (2007) The Persian Empire. London.

Van der Spek R. (2003) 'Darius III, Alexander the Great and Babylonian scholarship', in W. Henkelman, A. Kuhrt, A Persian Perspective. Essays in Memory of Heleen Sancisi-Weerdenburg. Leiden (Achaemenid History XIII), 289-346, partic. text no. 1.


Lecture 9: Alexander's early years on the throne

Bosworth A.B. (1989) Conquest and Empire. The Reign of Alexander the Great. Cambridge, chapter II, i-iii.

@Hammond N.G.L. (1974) 'Alexander’s Campaign in Illyria', JHS 94, p. 66-87.

Hammond N.G.L. (1981) Alexander the Great. King, Commander and Statesman. Bristol. Chapter III: Alexander in Europe.

@CAH 16 I, 17 I.


Lectures 10-14: the expedition

  • General

Heckel W. (2010) 'Alexander's Conquest of Asia', in W. Heckel, L.A. Tritle (eds), Alexander the Great. A New History. Chichester, Malden, Chapter 2.

  • Alexander and the east

Bosworth A.B. (1993) 'Aristotle, India and the Alexander Historians', Topoi 3, p. 407-24.

Bosworth A.B. (1996) Alexander and the East. The Tragedy of Triumph. Oxford.

Bosworth A.B. (2003) 'The Indian Campaigns', Brill's Companion to Alexander the Great, p. 159-168 = @CAH VI 826-834.

Hammond N.G.L. (1996) Alexander the Great. King, Commander and Statesman. Bristol. Chapters VIII-X, and appendix III.

Holt F.L. (1988) Alexander the Great and Bactria. The Formation of a Greek Frontier in Central Asia. Leiden.

Holt F.L. (1999) Thundering Zeus: the making of Hellenistic Bactria. Berkeley.

@Narain A.K. (1965) 'Alexander and India', G&R 12, p. 155-65.

Sidky H. (2000) The Greek kingdom of Bactria: from Alexander to Eucratides the Great. Lanham.


Lecture 15: Alexander and the Greeks of Asia Minor

Badian E. (1966) 'Alexander the Great and the Greeks of Asia', in Ancient Society and Institutions. Studies presented to Victor Ehrenberg on his 75th birthday. Oxford, p. 37-69.

Bosworth A.B. (1989) Conquest and Empire. The Reign of Alexander the Great. Cambridge, p. 44-51, 250-258.

@Seager R. (1981) 'The Freedom of the Greeks of Asia: From Alexander to Antiochus', CQ 31, p. 106-112.


Lecture 16: the Persian Empire

Allen L. (2005) The Persian empire: a history. London: British Museum Press.

@Badian E. (1965) 'The Administration of the Empire', Greece & Rome 12, p. 166-182.

@Badian E. (2000) 'Darius III', Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 100, p. 241-267.

Briant P. (2002) From Cyrus to Alexander: a history of the Persian Empire. Winona Lake.

Briant P. (2009) 'The Empire of Darius III in Perspective', in W. Heckel, L.A. Tritle, Alexander the Great: a new history. Chichester, Malden, p. 141-170.

Brosius M. (1996) Women in ancient Persia, 559-331 B.C. Oxford.

@Brosius M. (2006) The Persians. An Introduction. London and New York.

Brosius M. (2007) 'New out of Old? Court and Court Ceremonies in Achaemenid Persia', in A. Spawforth (ed.), Court and Court Society in Ancient Monarchies. Cambridge, p. 17-57.

Tuplin Chr. (1987) 'The Administration of the Achaemenid Empire', in I. Carradice (ed.), Coinage and Administration in the Athenian and Persian Empires, p. 109-166.

Abundant resources available from


Lecture 17: Alexander, Persians, Orientals

@Badian E. (1958) 'The Eunuch Bagoas', CQ 8, p. 144-157.

@Bosworth A.B. (1980) 'Alexander and the Iranians', JHS 100, p. 1-21.

@Collins A.W. (2001) 'The Office of Chiliarch under Alexander and the Successors', Phoenix 55, p. 259-83.

@Fredricksmeyer E. (2002) 'Alexander the Great and the Kingship of Asia', in A.B. Bosworth & E.J. Baynham (eds), Alexander the Great in Fact and Fiction. Oxford, p. 136-166.

Kuhrt A. and Sherwin-White S. (1987) Hellenism in the East: the interaction of Greek and non-Greek civilizations from Syria to Central Asia after Alexander. London.


Lecture 18: Persianisation

@Balsdon J. P. V. D. (1950) 'The 'Divinity' of Alexander', Historia 1, p. 363-388.

Bosworth A.B. (1995) A Historical Commentary on Arrian's History of Alexander. Vol. II, books iv-v. Oxford, p. 68-90.

Brosius M. (2003) 'Alexander and the Persians', Brill's Companion to Alexander the Great, p. 167-193.

@Spawforth A. J. S. (2007) 'The court of Alexander the Great between Europe and Asia', in A. J. S. Spawforth (ed.), The Court and Court Society in Ancient Monarchies. Cambridge/New York p. 82-120.

Tarn W. (1933) 'Alexander the Great and the unity of mankind', Proceedings of the British Academy, p. 123-66. To read together with @Badian E. (1958) 'Alexander the Great and the Unity of Mankind', Historia 7, p. 425-444 and Baldry H.C. (1965), The Unity of Mankind in Greek Thought. Cambridge, p. 113ff.


Lectures 19 and 20: Alexander and his army

@Loeb introduction nos. 56ff.

@Badian E. (1965) 'Orientals in Alexander's army', JHS 85, p.160-1.

@Bosworth A.B. (1973) 'ΑSTHΕΤΑΙΡΟΙ', CQ 23, p. 245-53.

Bosworth A.B. (1988) Conquest and Empire. The reign of Alexander the Great. Cambridge, p. 259-277.

@Brunt P. (1963) 'Alexander's Macedonian cavalry', JHS 83, p. 27-46.

@Buckley T. (2010) Aspects of Greek History 750-323BC. A source-based approach. London, chapter 27 (e-book and 1996 edition: chapter 26).

@Burn A. (1965) 'The generalship of Alexander', G&R 12, p. 140-154.

@Carney E. D. (1996) 'Macedonians and Mutiny: Discipline and Indiscipline in the Army of Philip and Alexander', Classical Philology 91, p. 19-44.

Cawkwell G. (2005) The Greek Wars. The Failure of Persia. Oxford, partic. chapter 10, appendix 3.

@Devine A. (1975) 'Grand tactics at Gaugamela', Phoenix 29, p. 374-385.

Engels D.W. (1978) Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army. Berkeley.

Fuller J.F.C. (1960) The Generalship of Alexander the Great. New Brunswick.

@Griffith G. (1947) 'Alexander's generalship at Gaugamela', JHS 67, p. 77-89.

@Griffith G.T. (1963) 'A note on the hipparchies of Alexander', JHS 83, p. 68-74.

Griffith, G.T. (1981) 'Peltasts, and the Origins of the Macedonian Phalanx', in Ancient Macedonian Studies in Honor of Charles F. Edson. Thessaloniki, p. 161-167.

@Hamilton J.R. (1956) 'The Cavalry Battle at the Hydaspes', JHS 76, p. 26-31.

@Hammond N.G.L. (1980) 'The Battle of the Granicus River', JHS 100, p. 73-88.

@Hammond N.G.L. (1992) 'Alexander's Charge at the battle of Issus in 333', Historia 41, p. 395-406.

Heckel W. (1992) The Marshals of Alexander’s Empire. London.

Heckel W. (2008) The conquests of Alexander the Great. Cambridge.

Marsden E. (1964) The Campaign of Gaugamela. Liverpool.

Milns R. (1976) 'The army of Alexander the Great', in Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt, 22, p. 87-136.

@Nagle, D. B. (1996) 'The Cultural Context of Alexander's speech at Opis', Transactions of the American Philological Association 126, p. 151-172.

Sekunda N. (1984) The Army of Alexander. London.

@Sekunda N. (2010) 'The Macedonian Army' in J. Roisman, I. Worthington (eds), A Companion to Ancient Macedonia. Chichester, chapter 22.

Snodgrass A. (1967) Arms and Armour of the Greeks. London.

Lecture 21: Conspiracies, Murders and Propaganda

Arrian Loeb edition, appendix XI

@Badian E. (1960) 'The Death of Parmenio', TAPhA 91, p. 324-338.

@Badian E. (2000) 'Conspiracies', in A.B. Bosworth & E.J. Baynham (eds), Alexander the Great in Fact and Fiction. Oxford, p. 50-95.

@Carney E. (1980/81) 'The Conspiracy of Hermolaus', CJ 76, p. 223-231.

@Heckel W. (1977) 'The Conspiracy Against Philotas', Phoenix 31, p. 9-21.

Heckel W. (1992) The Marshals of Alexander’s Empire. London, p. 13-33.

Heckel W. (2003) 'Kings and "Companions:" Observations on the Nature of power in the reign of Alexander', in J. Roisman (ed.), Brill's Companion to Alexander the Great. Leiden, p. 197-226.

Heckel W. (2010) 'A King and His Army', in W. Heckel, L.A. Tritle (eds), Alexander the Great: a new history. Chichester, Malden, chapter 4.

Lecture 22: Men and Women

@Badian E. (1958) 'The Eunuch Bagoas', CQ 8, p. 144-157.

Carney E.D. (2003) 'Women in Alexander's court', in J. Roisman (ed.) Brill's Companion to Alexander the Great. Leiden, Boston. Chapter 9.

Ogden D. (1999) Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death: the Hellenistic Dynasties. London. Partic. chapter 2.

Ogden D. (2009) 'Alexander's Sex Life' in W. Heckel, L.A. Tritle (eds) Alexander the Great: a new history. Chichester, Malden, p. 203-217.

Ogden D. (2011) Alexander the Great. Myth, Genesis and Sexuality. Exeter, chapters 6-9.

Lecture 23: Alexander's Image

Andreae B. (1967) Das Alexandermosaik. Einführung. Stuttgart.

Bieber M. (1964) Alexander the Great in Greek and Roman art. Chicago,

Cohen A. (1997) The Alexander mosaic: stories of victory and defeat. Cambridge.

@Heckel W. (2006) 'Mazaeus, Callisthenes and the Alexander Sarcophagus', Historia 55, p. 385-396.

Holt F.L. (2003) Alexander the Great and the mystery of the elephant medallions. Berkeley.

Killerich B. (1993) 'The Public Image of Alexander the Great', in J. Carlsen et al. (eds), Alexander the Great, Reality and Myth. Rome, p. 85-92.

Lane Fox R. (1996) 'Text and Image: Alexander the Great, coins and elephants', BICS 41, p. 87-108.

Mihalopoulos C. (2009) 'The Construction of a New Ideal. The Official Portraiture of Alexander the Great', in W. Heckel, L.A. Tritle (eds), Alexander the Great: a new history. Chichester, Malden, chapter 15.

Pollitt J.J. (1986) Art in the Hellenistic Age.

Ridgway B.S. (1990) Hellenistic sculpture. 1, The styles of c.331-200 B.C. Bristol, p. 108ff.

Smith R.R.R. (1988) Hellenistic Royal Portraits. Oxford.

Smith R.R.R. (1991) Hellenistic sculpture: a handbook. London.

Stewart A. (1993) Faces of Power: Alexander's Image and Hellenistic Politics. University of California Press.

Stewart A. (2003) 'Alexander in Greek and Roman Art', in J. Roisman (ed.), Brill's Companion to Alexander the Great. Leiden, p. 31-68.

The Search for Alexander: an exhibition: National Gallery of Art. Washington, D.C.

Lecture 24: Alexander's Religion

Badian E. (1996) 'Alexander the Great between the two thrones and Heaven: variations on an old theme', in A. Small (ed.), Subject and Ruler: The cult of the Ruling Power in Classical Antiquity, Journal of Roman Archaeology supplement no. 17, Ann Arbor, p. 11-26.

Bosworth A.B. (1996) 'Alexander, Euripides and Dionysos: The Motivation for Apotheosis', in R. W. Wallace and E. M. Harris (eds.), Transitions to Empire. Essays in Greco- Roman History, 360–146 B.C., in honor of E. Badian. Norman, Oklahoma, p. 140-166.

@Edmunds L. (1971) 'The Religiosity of Alexander', GRBS 12, p. 363-91.

Fredricksmeyer E. (2003) 'Alexander's Religion and Divinity', Brill's Companion to Alexander the Great, p. 253-78.

Lecture 25: Alexander's Divinity

Badian E. (1981) 'The deification of Alexander the Great', in H.J. Dell (ed.), Ancient Macedonian Studies in Honor of C.F. Edson. Thessaloniki, p. 27-71.

Badian E. (1996) 'Alexander the Great between the two thrones and Heaven: variations on an old theme', in A. Small (ed.), Subject and Ruler: The cult of the Ruling Power in Classical Antiquity, Journal of Roman Archaeology supplement no. 17, Ann Arbor, p. 11-26.

@Balsdon J.P.V.D. (1950) 'The Divinity of Alexander the Great', Historia 1, p. 363-388.

Cawkwell G.L. (1994) 'The Deification of Alexander the Great: A Note', in I. Worthington (ed.), Ventures into Greek History. Oxford, p. 293-306.

Dreyer B. (2009) 'Heroes, Cults, and Divinity', in W. Heckel, L.A. Tritle (eds), Alexander the Great: a new history. Chichester, Malden, p. 218-234.

@Fredricksmeyer E. (1979) 'Divine Honors for Philip II', TAPhA 109, p. 39-61.

Fredricksmeyer E. (1979) 'Three Notes on Philip’s Deification', AJAH 4, p. 1-9.

Fredricksmeyer E. (1981) 'On the background of the ruler cult', in H. J. Dell (ed.), Macedonian Studies in Honor of Charles F. Edson. Thessaloniki, p. 145-56.

Fredricksmeyer E. (2003) 'Alexander's Religion and Divinity', Brill's Companion to Alexander the Great, p. 253-78.

Ma J. (2002) Antiochos III and the Cities of Western Asia Minor. Oxford, p. 219ff.

Price S. (1984) Rituals and Power. The Roman imperial cult in Asia Minor. Cambridge, p. 23-40.

Lecture 26: Alexander's Death and Last Plans

@Bosworth A.B. (1971) 'The Death of Alexander the Great: Rumour and Propaganda', CQ 21, p. 112-136.

Bosworth A.B. (1988) From Arrian to Alexander. Oxford, chapter 7 (The Ephemerides) and 8 (Alexander's last plans).

@Hammond N.G.L. (1988) 'The Royal Journal of Alexander', Historia 37, p. 129-50.

Hammond N.G.L. (1996) Alexander the Great. King, Commander and Statesman. Bristol. Chapter X, and appendices I and III.

@Pearson L. (1955) 'The Diary and the Letters of Alexander the Great', Historia 4, p. 429-455.

Lecture 27: the Consequences of Alexander's Death

@Badian E. (1961) 'Harpalus', JHS 81, p. 25-28.

Bosworth A.B. (1988) Conquest and Empire. The reign of Alexander the Great. Cambridge, p. 220-8.

@Habicht Chr. (2006) The Hellenistic Monarchies. Selected Papers. Ann Arbor (Chapter 17, Athens, Samos, and Alexander the Great).

@Hamilton J. R. (1953) 'Alexander and His 'So-Called' Father', CQ 3, p. 151-157.

Heisserer A.J. (1980) Alexander the Great and the Greeks. The Epigraphic Evidence. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, p. 182 sqq.

Knoepfler D. (2007) 'Les honneurs décernés par Samos à Antiléon de Chalcis et à son fils Leontinos: une autre lecture', Dacia 51, p. 161-70.

@Shipley G. (1987) A History of Samos 800-188BC. Oxford. Chapter 10.

Vacante S. (2011) 'Alexander the Great and the polis of Iasus: Salt and Democracy? Notes on the 'Little Sea' Inscription (IIasos 24 + 30) and the Ekklesiastikon Decree (IIasos 20)', Klio 93 p. 322-336.

Lectures 28-29: Alexander's Succession

Adams W.L. (1997), 'The Successors of Alexander', in L.A. Tritle, The Greek World in the Fourth Century. London, p. 228-246.

@Bosworth A.B. (2002) The Legacy of Alexander. Oxford (Chapter 2, The Politics of the Babylon Settlement).

CAH VII 1, chapter 2 (Ed. Will, The Succession of Alexander).

@Errington R.M. (1970) 'From Babylon to Triparadeisos: 323-320 B.C.', JHS 90, p. 49-77.

Errington R.M. (2008) A History of the Hellenistic World, p. 1-20 and chapter 4.

Green P. (1986) Alexander to Actium. The Historical Evolution of the Hellenistic Age. London. Chapter 1.

Habicht Chr. (2006) The Hellenistic Monarchies. Selected Papers. Ann Arbor (Chapter 6, The Literary and Epigraphic Evidence for the History of Alexander and His First Successors).

Wheatley P. (2009) 'The Diadochi, or Successors to Alexander', in W. Heckel, L.A. Tritle, Alexander the Great: a new history. Chichester, Malden, p. 53-68.