Ancient Thought: Philosophy, Politics, Science
CX 112-15
This module will introduce students to a range of themes in ancient Greek and Roman thought.
Convenor: Dr. Caroline Petit
Lecturers: Xavier Buxton; Caroline Petit; David Fearn; Nicolas Liney; Joe Watson.
Teaching: weekly 2-hour lectures (Thursdays 1-3, FAB 5.03) + 2 1-hour seminars (in week 4 and week 8)
Assessment: Gobbets (to be handed in in week 5) + essay (end of term 1). No exam.
Week 1: Orientation (CP/DF); Understanding the world from Homer to the 5th Century BC (XB)Week 2: Radical brainpower in fifth-century Athens: the sophists (DF)Week 3: Plato (DF)Week 4: Ancient rhetoric: Aristotle (CP)Week 5: Hippocratic medicine (CP)Week 6: reading week: no class (focus on gobbets)Week 7: Searching for happiness: Epicurus and Epicureanism (CP)Week 8: Philosophical therapy: avoiding distress (CP)Week 9: Roman Thought and Cicero (NL)Week 10: Life in the face of death: Stoicism in Rome (JW)