The Art & Architecture of Asia Minor
This module looks at the art and architecture of some of the major cities in Asia Minor (modern Turkey) including Ephesus, Pergamum, Aphrodisias and Halicarnassus, from the sixth century B.C. through to the fourth century A.D.
This module is available in 2024-25.
This module will be available either as a year-long 30 CAT option, or as 15 Cat versions with different assessment models as follows:
30 CATS (CX232/333): All year. Assessment 20% 15 minute presentation; 30% 2500-3000 word essay; 50% 2-hour in person exam
Term 1: Art and Architecture of Greek Asia Minor (CX23A/CX33A). Assessment: 40% 15 minute presentation, 60% 2500-3000 word essay
Term 2/3: Art and Architecture of Roman Asia Minor (CX23B/CX33B), Assessment: 40% 15 minute presentation, 60% 2500-3000 word essay
Module convenor: Prof Zahra Newby
Summer Vacation preparation: Please click here for preparatory work to be completed over the vacation
Reading for Christmas vacation: Pliny letters
Content and Academic Aims:
This module will look at the art and architecture of some of the major cities in Asia Minor (modern Turkey) including Ephesus, Pergamum, Aphrodisias and Halicarnassus. The chronological span will be from the sixth century B.C. through to the fourth century A.D (Greek: 6th to 1st C BC; Roman 1st C BC-4th C AD). Focussing on civic monuments such as temples, theatres and bath complexes, we will look at both continuities and changes within this period. The material will be examined from a variety of perspectives, looking at the influence of the changing political systems in Asia Minor and considering artistic development, the role of elite benefaction and the use of civic monuments to create and reinforce local identities. As well as detailed study of plans and extant monuments, students will be encouraged to look at literary and epigraphic sources, to place these monuments into their cultural, political and social contexts. In order to develop students' skills of visual analysis, a site visit to the British Museum will be organised. Subject to demand and the political situation, it may be possible to arrange a trip to Turkey in the Easter vacation.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module students should be able to show skills of visual analysis by:
- describing and interpreting the composition, style and iconography of a range of ancient monuments and art-works
- commenting on the integration of words and images on public monuments
They will also be able to show the following intellectual skills:
- Critical awareness of the advantages and limitations of visual material in the study of the ancient world.
- The ability to evaluate the merits of different methodological approaches to the material
- The ability to select and present material clearly and with a coherent argument both verbally and in writing
In addition, finalists will develop
- The ability to set their findings into a wider comparative context, drawing in other aspects of the study of the ancient world
- The ability to seek out appropriate secondary literature and show discernment in the types of primary evidence addressed.