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Early Christianity - Assessment

Assessment of the module for all students is 50% for work submitted during the course and 50% for a 2-hour exam in the May/June session of examinations.

(a)The exam will be divided into two parts: students will be required (1) to provide historical comments on two short passages (‘gobbets’) which are illustrative of different aspects of early Christianity, and (2) to write two essays from a choice of titles.

Seminars. The make-up of the seminar groups will be announced in due course. Allocation of topics for this term will be arranged in Week 8. Note that all students are required to attend seminars, and are expected to prepare for and to be able to take part in discussions, though specific presenters and respondents may be designated in advance.

Students are required to produce one non-assessed (length: 1,200 words) and two assessed essays during the course (length: 2,500 words). Essays must be provided with proper bibliographic references, and be presented legibly; use of a word processor is strongly encouraged. Spelling and grammar must be of an acceptable standard. Titles and submission deadlines are set out below. The penalty for late submission of assessed work is set out in the Common Room. If you think that you will have difficulty in meeting a deadline, it is vital that you consult the module tutor well in advance to explain the position. Please note that actual extensions can only be granted by the Director of Undergraduate Studies (Dr Stanley Ireland).


On submission of all assessed work, students are required to sign a statement to the effect that the submission represents their own work, with no unacknowledged or disguised quotations, passages, or opinions taken from secondary sources. This represents a promise that the essay does not contain plagiarism, which is a serious offence that will be heavily penalized, usually by a mark of zero. The consequences of a student being penalized for plagiarism means that he or she will find it difficult to achieve more than a third-class mark for the course as a whole. For a fuller definition, see the Departmental regulations concerning the presentation of assessed work; if in any doubt, seek advice from Personal Tutors or the module tutor.