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Assessment for the module for all students is 50% for work submitted during the module and 50% for a 2-hour exam in the May/June session of examinations. Overlap should be avoided between pre-submitted essays and the questions answered in the exam. Lack of breadth may be penalised.

Students are required to pass both parts of the module, achieving a minimum of 40% on both the assessed work during the module and on the exam.
The exam will be divided into two parts: students will be required
• to identify and comment on two pieces of primary evidence which you will have met during the course of the module (out of a choice of six, may include texts, plans or photographs). You must answer at least one picture question..
• to write two essays (from a choice of at least six titles).

Students are required to produce TWO essays during the module (length 2,500 words, including footnotes, but excluding bibliography). The normal expected length for assessed essays is ‘c. 2,500 words’, which in practice means 2250-3000 words (including footnotes not including bibliography).

Please refer to the departmental handbook and the document ‘Advice on writing essays’ for further information about assessment criteria and marking. This is available online:

Past Exam Papers